We would like to share something that occurred this week at one of our apartment communities. A tenant asked the manager if there was someone in particular that needed help during the Holidays. In her words, she wanted to pay it forward because she felt fortunate her individual circumstances were not effected by the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, the tenant paid a complete stranger’s rent for December and January. No fan fair just someone that felt like giving back. For us, regardless what your beliefs are and how you celebrate the holidays, this is the true spirit of the Christmas season.


Holiday Wishes from Sutton - Sutton Real Estate

Holiday Wishes from Sutton - Sutton Real Estate

As most of us anxiously wait for the New Year and hopefully a return to some of our normal routines we would like to wish all of our staff, clients and the people in the community a happy and safe holiday season.  Safe and healthy really means someth