5 Tips To Remove Molds From Mattress

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Mold is a pest that is invisible and spreads quickly; by the time visible evidence of its growth appears on your mattress, it may already be a severe issue.

Mold is a pest that is invisible and spreads quickly; by the time visible evidence of its growth appears on your mattress, it may already be a severe issue. It grows quickly and may infest even the cleanest of homes. While mold growth on a mattress is unsightly to look at, it also poses a health risk. If the problem is left unattended for too long, it may become impossible to eliminate the mold, leaving you with no choice except to replace your mattress.

How you can remove molds

Using rubbing alcohol

To loosen and remove dirt, vacuum both sides of the mattress first. To produce the cleaning solution, mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and warm water. Wring out a clean cloth and scrape the stain in a circular motion. Once you've finished scrubbing, rinse the area with a clean cloth dipped in warm water. Make sure the cloth is only slightly damp since too much moisture will encourage mold growth. After rinsing, spray an upholstery disinfectant all over the mattress. Allow the mattress to dry in the sun. The sun speeds up the drying process and prevents further mold formation.


Keep in sunlight

Sunlight is the most effective natural mold killer. Mold spores thrive in dimly lit areas, such as bedrooms. The mattress should be set up outside in direct sunlight. Take the box spring outside to let the UV rays effectively eliminate the mold. For as long as possible, leave the mattress outside. Have a dehumidifier running in your bedroom while your mattress is in the sun, and make sure there is sufficient airflow. Before returning the mattress to its indoor location, we want the bedroom to be completely dry.


Vodka as a disinfectant

Vodka and tea tree oil is another mold-fighting combination for memory foam mattresses. Combine half cup vodka, half cup vinegar, 3/4 cup water, and 5 drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle. Spray the entire bed with this solution to disinfect it. The mold should be killed on contact when exposed to the alcohol. Allow it to dry for an hour. To ensure that the mold removal process is complete, vacuum the entire mattress again, top to bottom. Allow the mattress to air dry after covering the slats and pillow top to remove all mold growth.


Using hydrogen peroxide

Mold can also be effectively treated with hydrogen peroxide. However, since you must repeat the technique, this method takes a little longer. Vacuum the mattress on all sides first. In a basin, combine one-part hydrogen peroxide with three parts of warm water. Using the cleaning solution and a nylon brush, remove the mold. Spray a small amount of the mixture on the mattress and place it in the sunlight. Repeat the process after it's dry to get rid of any residual spores and bacteria. Allow the mattress to air dry. This procedure may cause your mattress's color to fade. Always test in a secluded spot first. You don't really have to take such risks to make your mattress free from mold. You can hand over this job to the mattress cleaning experts. They can make your mattress clean and fresh like a new one without any risks.


Using baking soda

Baking soda works well as a cleaning solution for removing mold and other microorganisms from mattresses. Simply combine it with warm water and apply the mixture directly to the mold spots. Allow it to soak for a few minutes before wiping it down with a clean microfiber cloth. Not only is baking soda an effective stain remover but also has the power to absorb any odors, thereby leaving your mattress clean and fresh.


Some stains are stubborn and difficult to get rid of. If you're having trouble, you should get help from professional mattress cleaners. 
