Gas humidifier how to use the correct use of home humidifier

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Medical clinical research shows that dryness can accelerate the loss of water in the body, and then cause the loss of ductility of the chemical fibers of the skin causing rupture, resulting in irreparable wrinkles and accelerating the aging of the human body.


At present, we often feel the lips peeling, dry skin peeling, which is due to the arrival of the autumn and winter season weather becomes dry. Therefore, moderate to enhance the indoor air quality environment humidity into everyone usually a major project project. Many homes have chosen to apply home humidifiers to reduce dryness. Home humidifier basically some of the location of selling small electrical appliances are going to be sold, different model specifications different look are there, see this air humidifier no doubt do not know which one is good, so, home humidifier should be how to buy it? Is the gas humidifier useful? How to use the air humidifier? Don't worry, if you have these requirements, why not come with me to familiarize yourself with how to use the gas humidifier and its related knowledge.

What is meant by home humidifier

An air humidifier is an electrical product that raises the humidity level in a room. The air humidifier can humidify a specific house, but it can also be connected to a heating furnace or home central air conditioning system to humidify the entire project building. Air humidifier is divided into two kinds of fan air humidifier and ultrasonic humidifier, the former one is far greater than the latter one in terms of electromagnetic radiation environmental pollution. In the purchase of air humidifier, it is best to be able to use ultrasonic humidifier, and use without having to put the bedroom bed or fabric sofa next to the body, etc., to reduce electromagnetic radiation damage to the body.

The main features of the home humidifier

1, the shell is selected from 304 stainless steel production and manufacturing, atomization movement.

2, modular design integrated, single watch movement can be removed and replaced separately processing chip.

3, no mechanical equipment operation, built-in water level line overload protector, operation reliable.

4, do atomization high efficiency characteristics, the whole equipment do atomization particulate matter aperture only 1 ~ 10μ, vaporization high efficiency can reach 100%.

5, equipped with automatic water replenishment \ less water maintenance and bubbling water role, optional drainage pipe equipment and water softening equipment equipment, to do without thickening white frost environmental pollution regulations.

Gas humidifier is useful

Air humidifier is to be able to raise the environmental humidity in the house, to ensure a healthy environment of physical and mental humidity, both to avoid the growth of germs, but also to allow everyone to have a good natural environment for rest indoors

1. Itching and discomfort of the respiratory system of the elderly and children

Dryness is very easy to cause inhalation system diseases, especially the elderly, children and other vulnerable people, dry natural environment is easy to cause asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and a variety of upper respiratory tract infections.

2. Dry weather in winter

Dry weather in northern areas in winter, especially after heating, early in the morning often wake up feeling dry mouth and sore throat, skin peeling空氣加濕器 and other diseases, which are triggered by dryness, dry mania can also lead to many injuries.

3. Women's skin is taut and wrinkled

Medical clinical research shows that dryness can accelerate the loss of water in the body, and then cause the loss of ductility of the chemical fibers of the skin causing rupture, resulting in irreparable wrinkles and accelerating the aging of the human body.

4. Rapid spread of influenza germs

The dust and dust environmental pollution in the room is the medium for the survival and transmission of the flu virus, and scientific research at Waseda University in Japan emphasizes that indoor dry pathogenic bacteria are more likely to spread, and manipulating the indoor humidity in the middle of 45%-65%RH, the pathogenic bacteria survive for the least amount of time.

5. Furniture overdrive aging

Research shows that in a dry air environment, furniture, books or traditional musical instruments to be will accelerate aging, deformation and even cracking, storage of goods above must always maintain indoor humidity in the middle of 45%-65%RH, and winter indoor humidity is far less than this specification.


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