Which Synthetic Bone Graft Substitutes Are There?

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The number of men who are looking for a synthetic bone graft substitute is growing. Men and women are not happy with their appearance and want to improve their look as much as possible.

The number of men who are looking for a synthetic bone graft substitute is growing. Men and women are not happy with their appearance and want to improve their look as much as possible. Some of the reasons why a person may want to use a synthetic bone graft substitute are: the price is lower than natural bone; the appearance of natural bone is better because of bonding or fillers used to help make it look natural; the procedure is less invasive and does not require surgery. Some of the best places to get a synthetic bone graft substitute are:


Autograft is another synthetic bone graft substitute being used today. This procedure involves the use of a patient's own bone cells. The bone cells are implanted under the skin, usually on the back of the upper arm, and then the implants are put into place. These implants look just like a regular bone, and patients often notice only after a period of time. This procedure is often used in situations such as missing teeth.

Calcium phosphate:

Calcium phosphate is one of the most commonly used synthetic bone graft substitutes because it has the look of natural calcium. When the patient has undergone surgery to implant dental implants, the bone cells will be made from calcium phosphate. This type of implant is the most expensive because it is the purest form of calcium that is available. Unfortunately, although this type of implant can last for a very long time, it is also the most susceptible to developing problems such as infection and calcium phosphate deficiency (which can cause bone pain).

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Gold Standard:

As mentioned before, the use of the gold standard in the treatment of osteoporosis is fraught with potential complications, especially when compared to other synthetic bone graft substitutes. One of the problems is that the process used to manufacture gold standard, which involves high temperatures, can be fatal to human beings. Furthermore, the FDA does not regulate the manufacture of gold standard, so it can be extremely difficult to determine the purity and quality of the material used in the making of these artificial replacements. In addition, there have been cases in which individuals who have suffered from severe side effects from the gold standard have had to suffer again after their treatments were reversed, forcing doctors to resort to injectng silver or another substance into the body in order to reverse the effects of the treatment.

Autologous Cellular Absorption Bone Graft Substitute:

This type of synthetic bone graft substitute originates from a patient's own bone tissue rather than from some sort of animal cell extract. Because of this, it can be assumed that the cells used in the procedure are of a significantly higher quality than would be found in a cellular extract, which can include some toxicity issues. One of the possible disadvantages of using an autologous cellular absorbent is that it may not be compatible with the body's own natural regenerating ability. This means that the patient's body will be constantly trying to remove the foreign material when it becomes lodged, creating a potentially endless cycle that may require constant correction. Finally, because of the expense involved, this type of synthetic bone graft substitute tends to carry a higher cost of living than that of cellular alternatives.

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Bioengineered Indirect cancellation grafts:

Similar in function to a cancellation procedure, but only less invasive and far less expensive than direct grafting, bioengineered Indirect cancellations can be used for patients with a range of bony conditions including spider veins, benign bone tumors, and osteonecrosis. These grafts are made from a patient's own healthy bones and connective tissues, and have been proven to have very low success rates. In fact, one of the main problems with using an Indirect cancellation is that they don't eliminate all spider veins and only treat selectively specific areas. Some patients are simply better treated using Indirect than direct methods, but these grafts are still quite expensive and have a relatively short recovery time.

Bioengineered Allografts:

Unlike many allografts, this process combines the best of both allograft procedures. It attempts to cure bone tumors directly by making bone cells from healthy tissue from the patient's own body. These cells then travel through the blood system, finding cancerous tumors and injecting them into the bald areas. These grafts have shown great potential for treating not only baldness but also other conditions such as plaque psoriasis, and skin diseases such as acne rosacea and psoriasis. They have also shown great promise in treating conditions where traditional grafts have failed, such as spinal injuries caused by accidents, and even premature births. For further information on synthetic bone graft substitute one can log into websites like lermagazine.com.
