What You Need To Learn About Antibody Testing Results?

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Experts believe that this test is effective in stopping the spread of coronavirus.

Healthcare professionals and clinicians are consistently researching covid antibody testing. However, it is a different test than diagnostic screening for covid. It is referred to as a serology test that works to screen for antibodies. It is useful screening to perceive specific information about the development of immunity against coronavirus. Look below for why this test is important and which results it would display.

Working and importance of antibody test

An antibody test can check the blood sample for antibodies in it. Antibodies are the proteins that act as safety guards for the body to protect it from infection. Antibodies protect infected people from getting severely ill from the virus. However, the test is not viable to tell the present covid infection in the body. But it states about the past covid infection and the formation of antibodies due to protection. So, this test can tell if you had a covid infection in the past despite showing any symptoms. In this way more and more people can get this test performed. It helps the professionals to seek communities that are infected with covid. Thus, the spread of coronavirus can be controlled to a significant extent.

Results of antibody testing

An antibody test can depict positive or negative results which have distinct meanings. A positive test suggests that you have antibodies in the blood. These antibodies could result from a previous covid infection or coronavirus vaccination. A negative result would indicate that there are no traces of antibodies have been found in your blood. In both cases, you are at risk of developing coronavirus so safety precautions are needed.

What to expect from the antibody test?

Antibody testing can help you know if your body has immunity against Sars-Cov-2. You can resume your normal activities if the result is positive. But it is important to know that this test has the certainty to produce false positive results. But it happens only in that case when you get the test at the early stages of covid infection. Generally, the antibodies take 14 days to form after the body has been infected with the virus. So, for accurate positive results, you must wait for 14 days to get the test done.

To sum up

It is needless to say that antibody testing can play a pivotal role in covid prevention. It is safe testing that indicates the immunity of the body against viruses. So, you should visit your nearest urgent care clinic to get this test done by an expert. It would tell if you have had a covid infection previously. So, you can take necessary precautions to safeguard against viruses and protect others. You can also undergo this screening to become an active plasma donor.
