plex tv code | activate code

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Plex TV is a free streaming hub for the smart tv users developed by the plex. Plex provides an organization where it has videos, audios and photos which can use by the users. Plex provides totally free to watch all movies present in it.

In this article let us know how we can get the activation code for plex tv as well as how we can activate the plex tv automatically in your devices.

create an account on

  In order to activate Plex TV on your device, you need to create an account on Following are the steps to create an account on :

  • Open any preferred web browser on your PC and visit the the URL bar. 
  • First, select the login option and then tap on the sign-up button.
  • Then, enter your email address and password, or you can link through Facebook or Apple.
  • On the next screen, accept the terms and conditions and proceed with the next step.
  • Finally, verify your email address to set up the Plex account.

How to get the activation code for plex tv

At first open your plex tv account and click on the sign in menu. Now plex will provide you a plextv link and below it has a four characters code. Click on the link on your phone or desktop and type the code given by the plextv and click to link menu below.

If you got account link is successful then the plex tv is successfully activated to your phone or your needed device. If you  got the message that account is not linked, then try the above steps to get activated your plex tv fast in your preferred device.

After the successful of activating the plex tv link then you can start streaming of all the available movies on this website without subscription. Plex tv is fully free.

How to enter the Plex tv activation code?


To enter the Plex activation code, go through the following steps:

  • Open a web browser on your device and move to to ensure that you have signed into the correct Plex account.
  • Then, type the four-digit code in the given box and tap on the apply button.
  • After entering the code, your participant’s program will activate on your device. After a few seconds, it will restart and link to your account.


How to automatically sign into the plextv

Now let’s know how to automatically sign into your plex tv app on your smart tv. Automatic sign in makes you very easy to watch the movies very quick. So that you don’t need to sign in every time you go on stream in the smart tv.

Follow the below steps to know how to automatically sign into the plex tv, after this it doesn’t ask you to sign in every time to watch.

Open your plex tv and sign into your plex tv account first time. Click on the My account / Profile on the top left and select profile. After clicking to account profile, it takes you to your account settings. Now scroll down and select the settings menu and click on it

After clicking to settings, it presents many options, select to General. Select to general and scroll to Automatic Sign in menu side. Check the box of Automatic sign in menu. Now it is ready to use

Once you go the process of automatic sign into your device, when ever you stream you need not to again activate the plex tv website. It will be automatically signed in with help of username and the password provided by you when the starting stage.

The username and your password must not share with anybody, so that your personal data can not be known to anybody. Do the above process carefully so that it might not occur the error while you activating your plex tv account with activation code.

So in the above data we have know the topics how to activate the plex tv account and how to automatically sign in your plex tv account in smart tv.  

Install Plex Media Player on Chromecast with Google TV

  • Connect, set up, and turn on your Chromecast with your Google TV device.
  • On the home screen, click Search.
  • Search or say Plex using the Google Voice Remote.
  • Choose the Plex app from the suggestions and click Install.
  • Once installed, click Open to launch the application.
  • You have now successfully installed plex tv code on Google TV.

Set up Plex Media Player on Google TV

  • Launch the Plex app you installed.
  • Click Sign in and make a note of the activation code that appears on the screen.
  • Now open any browser on your smartphone or PC and go to Sign in with the user account you used to set up Plex Media Server.
  • Enter the activation code in the required field and click Link.
  • The app will automatically link with your Plex account and a confirmation message will appear on the screen.
  • The Plex app will ask you to sign up for Plex Pass. Choose the package you want and go through the payment process. If you don’t want Plex Pass, click DON’T NOW and stream your personal media files.


  • From Using PC go to plex tv code in browser.
  • Click on Sign in option on top right corner.
  • Then tap on Sign Up.
  • Choose your email address and password or you can also sign up with Gmail, Facebook and Apple.
  • Accept and agree with terms and condition.
  • Check your mail then verify your details.
  • Plex account is created.

Steps to get started Premium

Plex is a free application or paid, but there are many features that the free version fails to offer. Therefore, we suggest you purchase the premium version to get the best experience. Follow the steps listed below to begin using Plex Premium.

  • Log in to your Link plex TV account.
  • In the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard, you’ll see an “Go Premium button. Click it.
  • A window will open showing the advantages of premium plex, as well as the monthly, annual as well as the life plans for plex.
  • There are six benefits to the plex premium that are as is
  1. Download Option
  2. Live Tv and DDR
  3. Control options for parents
  4. Webhooks
  5. Premium dashboard
  6. Magical music that’s top quality.


  • After you have read the plans and features, choose the plan you want to choose.
  • It will take you to a screen asking for the details of your card.
  • If you’ve got any coupons, you can make use of this code to benefit from the discount.
  • Enter the card’s details and then pay.
  • When you’ve completed your payment after the payment has been processed, you will be taken to the top-quality interface of the plex TV link code which allows you to enjoy the best features of plex.

