Tips For Caring For Plants In Summer

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Now you can buy almost any plant online across Pakistan in major cities including Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, and many more. Delivery Service Areas. Karachi Plants provides a wide assortment of natural plants and accessories on the market in Karachi, Pakistan.

Our homes are not isolated from the outside world. Pests can get into any apartment: we bring them from the street on our clothes, an Online plant nursery in Karachi, and they fly in through open windows. It will not be possible to completely protect your home, it is quite enough to carefully observe your plants in order to detect the problem in time. It must be remembered that insects have no natural enemies in this space, and their population can increase very quickly. It is easier to deal with them early on when you find several insects, rather than an entire colony.

It is easier for healthy plants to resist the onslaught of pests. 

We can minimize the damage from meeting them by providing the plants with proper care. This will allow them to form their own protective resource - strong immunity.

Each plant has its own special needs, so you need to prepare a little before purchasing a new one. Review your care materials to see if you can provide your plant with an environment in which to grow healthy.

If the plant is light-loving, evaluate the lighting in your home and decide if you are ready to install an additional light source. Plants simply cannot fight pests when all the energy is spent on growing in too low light.

Find out how much water a particular plant needs and decide on watering. 

Do not allow water to stagnate in the pot. Experienced plant lovers successfully grow them in pots, but if you are not yet sure that you can accurately calculate the volume of water needed for a plant, use a pot with a hole in the bottom. Over-watering and poor drainage will cause root rot and create pest-friendly conditions.

Check your plant constantly

Carefully inspect the leaves for visible insects, suspicious spots on the leaves, whether their structure is deformed, and so on.

To transplant a plant, use special soil, we do not recommend taking soil from the street or using a pot of soil left over from some other plant, the soil can be infested with pest larvae. If you bring a new plant into your home, keep it separate for several weeks and treat it with Green Soap or Neem Oil Solution - this is a good preventive measure. After making sure that everything is in order, feel free to add the beginner to the rest of the plants.

Clean your plants regularly to help prevent pests. 

Smooth leaves can be wiped with a damp cloth,  Plants suitable for Karachi, fluffy leaves can be conveniently cleaned of dust with a small brush. It is better to remove dried leaves and remove fallen leaves from the pot so that conditions are not created suitable for pests.

Even with excellent care, experienced plant lovers sometimes develop pests. If you find them, carry out special treatment, it depends on the type of pest. This is a simple sequence of actions, and if done correctly, the problem can be solved completely the first time.

We will show you how to effectively deal with three common pests. 

Immediately, we note that we do not recommend using folk remedies and methods, their effectiveness has not been scientifically confirmed. At best, they can cause discomfort to insects, at worst, they will not affect the situation in any way. To help your favorite plants as soon as possible, use special pest control products that can be purchased at flower shops.


These are insects of white or greenish color, tiny, but still distinguishable by the eye. They suck out nutrients from the plant, and it gradually withers. You can bring aphids home on clothes, and pet hair. Insects can also enter the house through open windows from nearby trees. Examine the plants carefully. You can see both the insects themselves and their traces: withered, dried, or deformed leaves, and young shoots. If you notice aphids on one plant, inspect the rest, and isolate the infected plants from each other. We recommend using insecticides; the preparations affect only insects and are safe for plants. The universal remedies Aktara and Aktellik show good efficiency. 

It is better to treat all plants that have come into contact with the victim so that the aphids do not spread to them. Usually, after the first spraying, only adults die, and the larvae remain. Therefore, several treatments will be required at intervals of a week. Follow the instructions on the packaging of your product.

If a cobweb appears on a plant, a spider mite has wound up on it... Like aphids, the insect is very small, but nevertheless, both the cobweb and it itself can be seen. They are especially noticeable if the colony is already large enough. Pests feed on sap from plant cells, piercing leaf plates with their jaws. The leaves are covered with small dots that violate their integrity and structure, metabolic processes, then turn yellow, dry up and fly around. The plant stops developing normally and may die if nothing is done. 

Spider mites can also be controlled with broad-spectrum insecticides that act on both harmful insects and mites. They are called insect acaricides (Actellik). In addition, to regular Lemon Plant, there are drugs designed specifically to combat ticks (acaricides). Both types of products must be used in accordance with the instructions on the packaging,

Another dangerous pest, the scale insect, do the same with the plant as the two described above - it sucks out nutritious juices from it. It is harder to fight him because of a special defense mechanism - a dense wax shell that protects the body. Scabbards often appear at the place where the cutting of a leaf adjoins a branch or trunk, below the leaf plate. Insects look like specks on leaves and trunks, so take a magnifying glass to see them.
