Can the Right Furniture Make Your Command-and-Control Room More Efficient?

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Ergonomic control room furniture can make a difference in your bottom line. Learn how when you order them for your team.

Ergonomic furniture can increase productivity levels at work by 15 percent, says the Washington State Department of Labor Industries. If you want to provide your employees with ideal working conditions, choose ergonomic furniture. Here's how it can help. 

Fewer Distractions 

Discomfort distracts your employees. It takes their attention away from their work. It gets them out of the work zone. It gets their attention. Imagine if that happens often. If your employee keeps fussing with their seat because the seat is too hard or how they keep adjusting to the console because it doesn’t have enough elbow space. Those little distractions might seem nothing, but multiplied over the course of a workday, they can amount to a lot of wasted time. Help your employees finish work faster by providing comfortable control room furniture.

Gets Work Done Faster

When employees can focus on their work, they get things done faster. Interruptions in the workflow—like uncomfortable, distracting chairs—can take a person out of a certain work zone or vibe. It takes a while to get back. For some, it doesn’t happen in an instant or a snap. Sometimes, it can take another hour or so. That’s why interruptions aren’t ideal. Ergonomic furniture reduces those distractions, so your employees can keep their minds on work, which means they get things done sooner rather than later. If your team often has tight deadlines you don’t want them to miss, consider ordering ergonomic office furniture as soon as possible. 

Fewer Errors 

Distractions are detrimental since they can lead to mistakes. Control-and-command centers are places where vital operational work is done and mission-critical decisions are made. If your people are distracted, that could lead to costly mistakes. Help your employees by giving them ergonomic furniture that helps them stay focused on their work. Fewer errors mean they can go home sooner, too. 

Ease Discomfort 

Working long hours can take a toll on the human body. For instance, repetitive motions of the wrist from writing could lead leave your employees tired. The strain of repetitive movements and the less-than-ideal position of their hands could leave them with wrists and hands trembling with fatigue. You can ease that discomfort with ergonomic furniture. That’s one way to help reduce the fatigue your employees will feel. Uncomfortable chairs can lead to more discomfort and result in health conditions, such as back pain or neck pain. Ergonomic furniture eliminates unnecessary strain on these muscles, so your employees can be healthier and have fewer aches and pains. 

Fewer Absences 

You want healthy employees. Healthy employees work better. But uncomfortable chairs and consoles could leave your employees with back pain, neck pain, and even soreness in their shoulders. You can help keep your team healthy by replacing their furniture with ergonomic options. If they’re healthy and comfortable, that will result in fewer absences. Absences are bad for companies and compromise your productivity levels. If you want your team to deliver peak-level performance, provide them with the tools, equipment, and furniture they need.
