Common Questions People ask Regarding a Birth Certificate Apostille

We provide convenient and same-day document Apostille Birth Certificate and authentication services in NJ. Best Apostille and Mobile Notary Service throughout New Jersey state.

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An apostille is a document you need to attach to any personal document to prove its authentication in another country. In most cases, people need to Apostille their Birth Certificate in New Jersey or anywhere else. So, when it comes to getting an apostille for your personal document, you must first mail the original or certified document to the County Clerk or State to a professional notary firm for processing. However, a birth certificate can only get authentication from the State as the Secretary of State cannot issue any documents from another state. So, for example, if your birth certificate is from New Jersey, the State of New Jersey can only issue the apostille.

Once you begin the procedure, you must know that not all birth certificates qualify for an apostille. This is because some states have set a limit to the age of the certificate, meaning how old can a birth certificate should be. Let’s take the example of birth certificates issued from the States of Wisconsin and Virginia, which must be at least 12 months. Moreover, some states don’t authenticate the certificates that were issued by the County Clerk or the State’s Health Department.

Now, let’s take a look at the common questions people normally ask regarding birth certificate apostilles.

Question 1: What happens if the birth certificate is older than five years?

If the certificate is older than five years, it’s not a problem in most states. As mentioned earlier, some states have a set limit to the certificate being old. Five years is not that long, but some states, like Texas, don’t issue a certificate that is older than five years. As the requirements vary from State to State, we suggest you mail a copy of your current birth certificate to the authorities before applying for a new one.

Question 2: What is the need for the apostilles?

If you want to use a personal document for any purpose in some other country, you need an apostille to prove its authentication. Some of the reasons for which you need the state of New Jersey apostille in some other countries would be:

• Applying for dual-citizenship
• Buying a piece of property
• Inheritance
• Marriage
• Divorce
• Planning to retire in some other country

Question 3: What happens if the State doesn’t accept my birth certificate?

There can be some situations in which your certificate will not get accepted. In that case, you must consult a team of professionals that can help you through the process and make sure that every requirement is fulfilled. However, never trust those untrained employees or non-professionals that offer services at cheap rates but can never give you the best results.

Final Words

So, these are some of the common questions that people often have when they need an apostille certificate. New Jersey Mobile Notary Apostille Services is a team of professionals that can help you in going through the process of getting an apostille. Established in New Jersey, their services are entirely client-oriented, and they will not spare any effort to get the best possible outcomes. Visit the website for more information.
