Difference between FUT and FUE

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The main difference between FUT and FUE hair transplantation is that in FUT the doctor removes a strip of donor skin from which individual follicular units are extracted and transferred to the bald area, whereas in FUE the individual hair is removed. The parcel unit is removed directly. fr

Hair transplant takes 4 to 8 hours. FUT surgery is generally faster than FUE surgery. Most people stay awake during the procedure by numbing the scalp with a local anesthetic.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is the most common method of hair transplantation. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is the most common method of hair transplantation.

Strip the hairy skin from the underside of the scalp (strip method). Then sew the area with a special type of fastener. This causes the hair to grow back from the thin scars and in most cases becomes almost undetectable after a few months.

Grafts of naturally occurring hair clusters are then carefully excised from strips of skin and reimplanted into areas of thinning or bald hair.
Follicular unit excision (FUE) is an alternative method of hair follicle transplantation. FUE has become popular in recent years, especially among men who want to keep their hair very short or avoid scarring on the back of the head.

FUE is often referred to as scarless surgery. Note that this is incorrect. Unlike FUT, which hides fine linear scars deep in the scalp, FUE leaves many small, indented scars.

FUT at FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai is the most common method of hair transplantation to treat alopecia and alopecia. for and against
It can accommodate a large amount of hair in a small footprint far from the edge of baldness, so it may be suitable for those who have significant hair loss and need numerous transplants.
Shorter uptime.
A cheaper surgical option.
When used in conjunction with FUE, it can maximize the number of grafts from smaller spaces and extend surgical life over time.
for and against
faster healing time. Less pain after surgery.
No linear scars (just small circular scars).
Hair from other parts of the body can also be used.
Used in conjunction with FUT, it can maximize graft numbers and improve aesthetic styling over time.
