Difference between Eyebrow Transplant and Microblading

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Through eyebrows, you can convey both your general appearance and your feelings to others. Although not everyone is born with perfect eyebrows. Some can be genetic, while other accidents and illnesses can lead to eyebrow loss and similar problems.

In this regard, men and women are always looking for ways to better shape their eyebrows in order to have a better face.Traditionally, women use cosmetics to make their eyebrows look thicker. Nevertheless, there is growing interest in long-term solutions.

Microblading and eyebrow transplantation are currently available options.

In this article, we examine the differences, pros and cons between microblading and eyebrow transplants.Continue reading!

How does it work?
Microblading, also known as "feather touch" or "micro stroking", is a new manual method of cosmetic surgery that has replaced older methods of tattooing and micro-pigmentation.

It is performed through a hand tool with needles that embed colored pigments into the surface of the eyebrows. If the pigments used in the procedure at Eyebrow Hair Transplant in Dubai are compatible with the eyebrow hair color, the result will be very natural.

Microblading is a very delicate procedure requiring experienced professionals. In Iran, it is performed in cosmetic centers by trained and licensed technicians. Therefore, you should do your due diligence before taking action.
Advantages of Microblading
A person can choose the desired shape and size of eyebrows.
The irregular shape of the eyebrow line makes the eyebrows look natural.
Kind of cheap.
His recovery period is short, from 7 to 14 days. Results are visible immediately after the first treatment.
Disadvantages of microblading
It is not permanent and needs to be "corrected" every 8-30 months, depending on skin type and pigment quality.
Even with local anesthesia, the surgery is not painless.
After surgery, you will have a small cut on your forehead area, which is vulnerable to all kinds of infections and requires careful care.
If done by a non-professional technician, the appearance will depend on the technician's drawing skills, leaving undesirable results. Eyebrow transplant:
how to use?
An eyebrow transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair transplants and hair follicles from donor hair are transplanted into the eyebrow area. This procedure must be done by a cosmetic surgeon under local anesthesia and takes 2-4 hours. Immediately after surgery, the transplanted hair falls out and new hair grows.

Even if one area of ​​the eyebrow is completely bald, new hair that is resistant to hair loss will grow within a few weeks after the surgery. You may wonder if these donor hairs can fall out and cause hair loss in the donor area. It must be said that it is highly resistant to the hormones that cause it and never goes away.

A surgeon's medical competence is very important. This is because you need to pay attention to the way your eyebrows grow and plant the follicles in a way that harmonizes with other eyebrow directions.

There are many talented cosmetic surgeons in Iran who are very tasteful and delicate in eyebrow transplantation and have a brilliant background in cosmetic surgery so they can give you the best results.
