In essence, it is a complex digital-based discipline that uses different types of marketing to promote a product. Today, digital marketing is beginning to widely use traditional types of advertising, the main task of which is to attract the attention of the audience to products and services using its tools. If you are interested in us business directory database free, follow the link to find out more.
Now about digital marketing channels
The first is all devices that have access to the Internet. Computer, laptop, gadgets, any iron from which you can go online.
Internal computer networks of companies or urban areas where users can communicate, play, exchange the necessary information. At the moment, the integration of local networks with the Internet is gradually taking place.
Mobile devices. Companies used to advertise or inform their audience through SMS messages, now branded app installations and WOW phone calls are gaining popularity.
Interactive screens, POS-terminals. Those same screens in public transport, shopping centers, on the streets. These digital channels are gradually replacing the standard "outdoor" because interactive advertising attracts more attention. In addition, POS terminals help people make purchases.
Digital TV is one of the most important digital marketing channels. "Digital" is confidently pushing analog television and integrating with Internet applications. The future is already here: from the TV we can go to our Facebook page, watch a video on Youtube or read the news
Touchscreens (tablets), readers and other devices. With the help of special applications, the user downloads books, watches movies, just goes online. For many, a tablet is a daily necessity.
Digital gadgets are devices that can collect information and transfer it to other media. For example, smart watches, Oculos Rift glasses, fitness bracelets and others. To learn more about real estate directory, follow the link.
What do digital agencies do?
Unlike advertising agencies that provide platforms for advertising, digital agencies offer services that can be used to judge the specifics of working in this industry:
- creation of sites, media and contextual promotion, design, production of sites;
- development of a comprehensive strategy for the development of a company in a digital environment (expertise and promotion);
- work with online communities (SMM);
- organization of events, promotions, competitions in combinations of online / offline promotion;
- transfer of the target audience from online to offline and vice versa;
- experiential marketing – e.g. QR codes, geolocation services, RFD, WOW calls, augmented reality, etc.