Ayurvedic medicine

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Ayurveda is one of the varieties of alternative medicine, mostly developed in India. As a science, it is recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization), although it is noted that there have been few studies in this direction, as well as clinical trials. At the same time, Ayurvedic medic

Key Features of Ayurveda

What is Ayurvedic medicine? In this science, which originated about 5 thousand years ago, there is no concept of "narrow specialists". And the whole organism is evaluated as a single, inseparable system. Accordingly, the treatment is involved in a complex. Most of the Ayurveda products are more focused on the prevention of various diseases, maintaining the health and tone of the body. At https://ayurvedadom.com/ you will find a large assortment of drugs.

At the same time, Ayurveda preparations are made on a natural basis. Sold in India mainly in small private pharmacies (many of which have been operating for several hundred years and are a kind of family business). Often, such stores are located in close proximity to state pharmacies, which already sell the most familiar pharmacological agents.

And according to Ayurveda, human health rests on 3 main factors:

  • physical body;
  • emotional state (spiritual harmony);
  • mental state (mental harmony).

And only when all 3 factors are involved in the treatment, a full recovery occurs. And any illness is a sign of an imbalance of energies between them. And although Ayurvedic preparations are mostly various oils and herbs, a significant part of this medicine is occupied by various procedures.

Treatment methods in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, the following methods of treatment are mostly used:

  • diets designed to maintain the internal biorhythm of a person;
  • various cleansing procedures aimed at neutralizing toxins accumulated in the body;
  • aromatherapy occupy one of the most honorable roles in all of Ayurveda;
  • bloodletting;
  • numerous variations of wellness massages;
  • yoga;
  • "music" therapy;
  • media practices.

Particular attention is paid to the diet. In Ayurveda, it is believed that many of the diseases begin with an imbalance of energy in the physical body. And this is directly affected by what a person eats.

Nutrition Features

Key rules of nutrition according to Ayurvedic medicine:

  1. Eating occurs only with a focus on the feeling of hunger. You don't need to follow any obligatory hourly diet. But the last meal should be held no later than 2 hours before the planned sleep.
  2. Water should also be drunk when thirsty. At the same time, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of fluid daily. And it is important that it is impossible to drink water during meals or immediately after it. This is only allowed at least 48 minutes after the meal.
  3. Ablution is performed immediately before eating. Thus, a person “washes away” negative energy. And ablution affects not only the hands, but also the face, teeth, tongue.
  4. It is required to observe the "right combinations" in the food consumed. For the most part, you can observe the basic rules of Indian cuisine in them.

It must be remembered that when taking Ayurvedic preparations, the result is achieved only if the diet is observed, and it also requires a complete rejection of the use of alcohol and tobacco.

About Ayurvedic medicines

There is no separate list of drugs from the field of Ayurveda. Because they continue to be “developed” daily. Almost every private pharmacy has branded products, the recipe of which is not disclosed to the general public and competitors.

At the same time, traditional pharmacies are now everywhere in India. There you can easily buy antibiotics, painkillers, antiviral drugs. But at the same time, Ayurvedic ones are in no less demand. Firstly, in most cases they are cheaper, and secondly, they can be purchased without a prescription. Among tourists visiting India, Ayurvedic preparations are also in great demand.

But the most interesting thing is that they are active and effective. The same Safi syrup is a kind of extract obtained from 30 herbs for complex maintenance of the body. And its reception can significantly reduce the time required to treat a wide range of colds.

What are Ayurvedic preparations in terms of composition? All of them are made only from natural and herbal ingredients, without the use of synthetic bases and preservatives.


It must be remembered: Ayurvedic preparations are natural-based products, in most cases - herbal. Many herbs and plants that are part of the proposed tablets, esters, oils can cause an allergic reaction. Accordingly, before treatment, it is imperative to conduct a test for the reaction of the body. This is especially true for tourists visiting India and purchasing those same Ayurvedic remedies as a souvenir. Even better, consult your doctor. But you need to be prepared for the fact that he will be skeptical about the use of their Ayurvedic preparations. But to other methods of treatment (massages, yoga), as a rule, everyone is positive.

Popular Ayurvedic remedies

Ayurvedic medicine uses Indian folk remedies

Many of the Ayurvedic products are shipped all over the world. The most popular drugs from this category include the following:

  1. SAFI syrup. It is obtained from those very plant extracts. Moreover, there are several variations of this syrup. It is used to comprehensively maintain the health of the body, its tone.
  2. triphala. A powder that is used to make various teas or even as a condiment. Helps improve women's health, normalize their hormonal levels. It is also claimed that the use of the powder helps to lose weight, lose weight, and activate energy metabolism.
  3. Tulsi. Probably one of the most popular Ayurvedic remedies outside of India. This is a cough syrup made from a vegetable base with the addition of minerals. Really stimulates the process of expectoration and liquefaction of sputum.
  4. Kailas Jeevan. This is a healing ointment on a natural basis. It is universal, that is, it is suitable for treating insect bites, burns, and bruises. Helps accelerate regeneration, as well as suppress the inflammatory process.
  5. Vikko toothpaste. It is used to treat excessive sensitivity and bleeding gums.

Before using Ayurvedic remedies, one should only take into account that most drugs taken orally have a disgusting taste. But this is their only significant side effect. So what are Ayurvedic drugs? These are products made according to the principles of Indian Ayurveda - local alternative medicine. It is one of the areas of alternative treatment. In many ways, it is similar to the familiar folk medicine. That is, when drugs are made on the basis of plant, natural ingredients. That's just most of these funds are used not for treatment, but for the prevention of various diseases and simply for the comprehensive maintenance of health.
