What are the side effects of birth control pills?

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What are the side effects of birth control pills?

What are the side effects of birth control pills?

Like all medicines, birth control pills have possible side effects that you need to be aware of. There are minor side effects and also rare but serious side effects. To get more news about where to buy vigrx plus, you can visit vigrxplus-original.com official website.

Some users experience some mild nausea when first starting birth control pills. Usually this goes away within a short time. Taking your pill with food or taking it before bedtime may help. If you have persistent problems or unusually severe nausea, contact your provider.

Breast tenderness or enlargement

Mild breast tenderness or enlargement may occur after starting birth control pills. The tenderness can be reduced by decreasing your caffeine and salt intake and by wearing a bra with good support. Usually it gets better within a few weeks. If you notice persistent discomfort or a discrete lump, make an appointment with your provider.


If you develop new headaches while on birth control pills, contact your provider.

Spotting or breakthrough bleeding

This is vaginal bleeding that occurs during your active pills. This is a common side effect during the first 3 months of birth control pills use and up to 50% of users may experience this. By the third pack of pills, 90% of users are no longer experiencing spotting. Some may notice some mild menstrual cramping with the spotting but this should resolve for most by the third pack of pills as well. Contraceptive effectiveness is present even with spotting, as long as no pills have been missed.

If you are experiencing light bleeding on your active pills that lasts longer than 5 days, or heavier bleeding lasting more than 3 days, contact your provider.

Missed periods or amenorrhea

Sometimes a user may take all her pills correctly and will not get a period. This can happen for a variety of reasons including stress, illness and travel and, rarely, thyroid or other hormonal issues. A pregnancy test would be advised before starting a new pack of pills. If you have missed pills and don't get your period, or your period is very light, it is particularly important to take a pregnancy test.
Many patients ask about this side effect. Studies have shown that weight changes in people on birth control pills are no different than among people who don't take birth control pills. 3 placebo-controlled randomized clinical studies have demonstrated birth control pills do not cause weight changes. However, some users may react to the hormones with mild fluid retention in some tissue around the breasts and hips.

Mood changes

Some users may notice changes in their emotional status: depressed mood or emotional instability. If you have a history of depression, discuss this with your provider. It is important to monitor your progress carefully when starting birth control pills. If you notice changes in your mood after beginning birth control pills, promptly contact your provider.
