Men’s Sexual Health Supplements: Are They Safe?

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Men’s Sexual Health Supplements: Are They Safe?

Men’s Sexual Health Supplements: Are They Safe?

Pills and bottles touting that they can boost your sex life may be appealing, but you might want to think twice before putting down your money. While their claims are tempting, they may not be backed by evidence and may even lead to unwanted side effects.To get more news about how to use vigrx oil, you can visit official website.

“Most supplements for sexual function have not been studied scientifically,” says Luigi Simone, MD, a primary care physician at Scripps Clinic in Encinitas. “They may have a placebo effect, which is not insignificant, but as far as the claims of increasing libido or sexual endurance, those have definitely not been proven.”

In fact, using male sexual enhancement supplements to boost your libido or address erectile dysfunction may do more harm than good. Ingredients can trigger side effects, cause allergic reactions and interact with other drugs. Some may even contain potentially dangerous impurities or small amounts of hidden pharmaceutical drugs that can produce dangerous reactions.
What are supplements?
Supplements are products intended to supplement your diet. They are not drugs and can be purchased without prescription at grocery stores, drug stores, natural food stores and other retail outlets.

While the FDA has the responsibility to approve the use of any conventional pharmaceutical and to monitor how it is manufactured, the FDA has no such responsibility with regard to supplements. In fact, supplements are not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any medical condition and cannot be marketed that way. By law, dietary supplements must contain at least one vitamin, mineral, amino acid, enzyme, or other substance used by the body. But the rest of the ingredients may include drugs that are untested for safety or effectiveness.

That means unscrupulous companies and manufacturers can sell any products they like without regard to veracity or science. The supplements won’t be pulled from the shelves until and unless the FDA proves they’re unsafe.
Men’s sexual health supplements
Sexual enhancement supplements are supplements made from a natural substance. They may contain nutrients called amino acids, vitamins and minerals or herbs like palmetto, yohimbe or maca. Most products are tablets, caplets or tablets.

Sexual enhancements supplements have become more prevalent as the population ages and more people are diagnosed with disorders that require medication that may lead to sexual problems as side effects. In addition, increased consumption of alcohol and smoking have increased the prevalence of sexual health problems, such as erectile dysfunction.
