There are several ways that credit card usage can be affected. Among them, credit card overdue is a "fatal injury" that many cardholders will make. Overdue credit card means that the cardholder fails to repay on time during the period of using the credit card, which will not only affect other credit card and loan applications, but also affect personal credit report. 申請信用卡The following situations will also occur!
The credit card limit is not fixed forever. The credit card limit can be increased or reduced based on the cardholder's use and circumstances. Therefore, an overdue credit card is also an important factor that will cause the credit card limit to be reduced.
So, does credit card credit reduction really happen 100% after a credit card is overdue?
Reducing your past due credit card balance is possible, but not inevitable. If the cardholder is only one or two days overdue and quickly repays the balance, the bank信用卡申請 will "turn a blind eye" and give the cardholder a chance. On the other hand, if the cardholder's credit card is overdue for a long time and the credit card debt is large, the bank will definitely reduce the number of credit cards, and in serious cases, it will directly block the card to minimize the risk.
There are other situations that can lead to a credit card chargeback.
The bank will also reduce the amount if the cardholder rarely or even for a long time does not use the credit card. Because the credit card limit is closely related to the cardholder's usage.
With the advancement of technology, bank risk control systems can be strengthened. Once the bank management system detects that a cardholder has engaged in bad card usage or illegal cash-out behavior, the credit limit will be reduced or the card will be blocked.
When banks notice unusual behavior on your credit card, they often take steps to protect the cardholder's money, such as suddenly charging large fees.
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