5 Best Practices for Advertising in US Election Campaigns

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Explore the 5 best practices to elevate your US election campaign. Learn how to boost voter engagement, enhance visibility, and maximize impact using mobile and data-driven strategies for success in the 2024 elections.

In the lead-up to the 2024 US elections, political advertising is on track to reach new heights, with projected spending set to soar to USD 15.2 billion, a sharp rise from USD 2.5 billion in 2021(Source: Statista). This surge highlights the growing importance of digital advertising platforms in modern political campaigns, reflecting a seismic shift in how candidates reach voters. As the United States is expected to have over 316 million smartphone users by 2024, mobile advertising will play an indispensable role in voter engagement, enabling campaigns to deliver targeted messages straight to voters’ devices, wherever they are.

The evolution of political campaigns has been driven by the meteoric rise of advertising platforms such as Meta Ads, Google Ads, moLotus, TikTok, and WhatsApp. These platforms are now central to political strategy, offering sophisticated targeting capabilities and vast reach. Meta, for instance, is projected to generate USD 568.7 million in political ad revenue, while Google’s ad earnings are expected to exceed USD 553.2 million in 2024, largely fueled by connected TV (CTV) ads on YouTube.

As digital ad spending grows, innovative mobile video customer interaction platforms like moLotus are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in political outreach. Unlike other platforms, moLotus offers campaigns a unique advantage by delivering personalized, interactive video messages directly to voters’ mobile inboxes without requiring data plans or app downloads. This GSM-based technology allows campaigns to tailor their messages based on voter demographics, voting history, and location, ensuring highly relevant and impactful interactions. moLotus has proven its effectiveness in driving voter engagement and turnout in major elections across Malaysia, India, Indonesia, and the United States, making it a critical tool for campaigns looking to enhance voter outreach in 2024.

As political ad spending continues skyrocketing, digital advertising is no longer optional but essential. The 2024 elections are poised to be the most digitally driven in history, and campaigns that fail to embrace mobile advertising risk being left behind. With digital media projected to account for 28% of total political ad spending and Over-the-Top (OTT) and mobile video ads driving this transformation, now is the time for political candidates to rethink their strategies.

By leveraging advanced advertising platforms like moLotus, Meta, Google, and TikTok, campaigns can deliver highly personalized, engaging content, creating deeper connections with voters, and setting the stage for electoral success in the digital era. With the 2024 US elections just months away, it’s crucial for political campaigns to implement the following five best practices in advertising to ensure success:

1. Power Up Ad Campaigns with Rich Media Storytelling

Experts tracking 2024 election advertising trends point out that compelling mobile advertising content is a critical success factor for election campaigns. In a landscape where US voters are constantly bombarded with information, standing out requires producing engaging, emotionally resonant content that grabs attention and motivates action. Whether it’s video, infographics, or blog posts, the relevance and quality of content will define a campaign's ability to connect with voters on a personal level.

For US advertisers, a consistent, rich media content calendar is essential. Rich media ads, which have shown significantly higher engagement rates in mobile advertising, play a central role in modern political campaigns. According to Celtra, mobile-based rich media ads boast an average engagement rate of 12.8%, making them powerful tools for influencing voter behavior.

Platforms like moLotus offer a comprehensive toolkit for maximizing the impact of rich media content. With unique storytelling formats, including personalized videos, slideshows, and brochures, advertisers can craft visually appealing, cost-effective political ads. These ads can be enhanced with pictures, voice-overs, and music, allowing campaigns to build engaging storyboards and videos delivered directly to voters’ mobile inboxes.

Similarly, Meta Ads platforms like Facebook and Instagram amplify engagement with rich media formats such as carousel ads and live videos, enabling real-time interaction with voters. On Google Ads, visually captivating formats like animated banners and YouTube ads allow for long-form, detailed voter communication, helping campaigns drive higher engagement despite potential challenges like ad blockers.

By utilizing rich media content across these platforms, campaigns can significantly enhance voter engagement, and turnout, and influence public opinion in the 2024 US elections.

2. Expand Reach with Customized Mobile Ads

In the forthcoming elections, the battleground has shifted to mobile devices, where customization and reach are key to a successful campaign.

With voter attention fragmented, advertisers must prioritize swift and accurate targeting. Mobile advertising enables campaigns to connect with specific voter groups, ensuring that every message reaches the right audience at the right time. Platforms like Meta Ads lead this effort by leveraging vast user data to segment audiences based on demographics, interests, and political affiliations. This level of targeting ensures that messages hit home, fostering deeper voter connections.

moLotus distinguishes itself by delivering campaigns directly to voters' mobile inboxes without the requirement for costly data plans or the hassle of mobile app downloads. This technology ensures nationwide reach, even in areas with limited internet access, and offers customization capabilities based on voter demographics, interests, language, and more. This direct, customization approach is pivotal for maximizing voter engagement and nationwide impact.

For campaigns targeting younger voters, TikTok offers a dynamic platform with its algorithm’s ability to deliver relevant, engaging content that can quickly go viral. TikTok’s shareable nature enhances organic reach, making it an essential tool for influencing a growing demographic in US elections.

Google Ads further enhances targeted outreach by following voters through their digital journey via search queries, browsing patterns, and YouTube activity. This multi-touchpoint approach ensures message visibility across various platforms, making Google a crucial element in any advertising strategy.

By integrating these mobile advertising tools, political campaigns can dominate the 2024 US elections with unmatched reach and targeted voter engagement.

3. Mobilize Voter Action with Interactive Campaigns

In the fast-paced world of election campaigns, more than simply being visible is needed; meaningful voter interaction is crucial. Modern voters expect more than passive content—they want to actively engage with campaigns. To break through the noise, political advertisers must integrate interactive elements into their mobile strategies, creating opportunities for voters to participate, respond, and connect instantly.

Meta Ads takes the lead by offering interactive tools such as polls, quizzes, and live videos that invite real-time engagement. These features create a sense of inclusion, allowing campaigns to gather valuable insights while voters become part of the conversation. However, staying compliant with privacy regulations and algorithm changes is vital for sustained success.

moLotus enhances voter engagement by allowing US voters to respond directly through mgram, SMS, URL clicks, call-backs, USSD, etc. With no need for data plans or apps, moLotus enables frictionless voter participation. Voters can sign up for events, visit campaign websites, or respond to messages instantly, making it a powerful tool for fostering stronger voter relationships and driving immediate action.

Google Ads supports interactive formats like click-to-call and mobile video ads with embedded links, allowing voters to engage quickly. These features, though effective, are dependent on internet access and can be costly due to the competitive nature of the platform.

By embracing interactive advertising strategies, political campaigns can not only attract voters but actively involve them in the election process. moLotus offers a distinctive advantage with its direct and impactful engagement methods, giving campaigns the edge needed for greater outreach and influence in the 2024 US elections.

4. Win Hearts with Personalized Political Advertising

In the cutthroat election landscape, personalized advertising is more than a strategy—it's essential for capturing voter attention and support. As digital channels become saturated with generic campaign messages, standing out requires more than just visibility. Tailoring content to address the specific concerns and interests of individual voters is crucial for making a meaningful impact and cutting through the overwhelming amount of information they encounter.

Personalized Political Communication (PPC) transforms voter engagement from passive consumption to active connection. Platforms like moLotus lead the way, offering highly personalized mobile video ads delivered directly to voters' inboxes.

By personalizing videos with names, preferences, and locations, moLotus allows campaigns to resonate on a personal level, significantly boosting engagement and voter action. Tapping into telecom subscriber data further enhances this personalization, making it a powerful tool for advertisers.

Similarly, Google Ads utilizes voter data, including search behavior and YouTube activity, to craft highly relevant, personalized messages that align with voter interests, driving higher conversion rates. Meta Ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram also leverage user data to create tailored ad experiences, targeting specific demographics and political preferences.

By embracing personalized mobile ads, political campaigns can connect more deeply with voters, ensuring that their messages not only capture attention but inspire action at the polls.

5. Drive Voter Recognition

As the 2024 election draws closer, establishing a powerful political brand and ensuring top-notch visibility are crucial for campaign success. Mobile advertising has emerged as a key tool in this competitive arena, offering a strategic advantage in reaching and engaging voters.

Google Ads enhances campaign visibility through targeted search engine marketing and its extensive display network. For political campaigns, this means capturing the attention of voters actively seeking information online. Effective visibility requires more than just presence—it demands high-quality, keyword-optimized content that grabs attention and drives meaningful engagement.

moLotus delivers targeted adverts straight to mobile inboxes, ensuring that campaign content remains visible until actively deleted. This persistent presence enhances brand recognition and recall, which is essential for driving voter turnout and participation.

Meta Ads, through platforms like Facebook and Instagram, further boost brand visibility with highly targeted mobile advertising. By leveraging comprehensive user data, campaigns can precisely target demographics, interests, and behaviors, enhancing message relevance and voter interaction. However, campaigns must navigate potential challenges such as algorithm changes and privacy concerns to maintain effectiveness.

By effectively utilizing these advertising platforms, campaigns can solidify their brand presence, ensuring their messages resonate with voters and lead to increased brand awareness and support.


Integrating best practices into your 2024 election advertising strategy is essential for success. Combining compelling, relevant content with targeted mobile outreach and personalized ads allows campaigns to cut through the noise and engage voters effectively. Leveraging rich media and interactive elements will capture attention, while precise targeting and personalization ensure your messages resonate deeply.

By employing a mix of mobile innovation, social media strategies, and data-driven insights, campaigns can enhance their visibility, boost voter awareness, and drive meaningful engagement. As the election nears, adopting these practices will position your campaign for a powerful impact and help achieve success in the competitive landscape of US politics.
