How do you know if you need heart valve surgery?

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Heart valve surgery is needed when one or more heart valves are damaged. It restricts the flow of blood through the heart. Dr. Sujay Shad, the best cardiac surgeon in India, in this blog discusses when heart valve surgery is required in an individual. This surgery plays a crucial role in c

Heart valve surgery is needed when one or more heart valves are damaged. It restricts the flow of blood through the heart. Dr. Sujay Shad, the best cardiac surgeon in India, in this blog discusses when heart valve surgery is required in an individual. This surgery plays a crucial role in correcting severe valve stenosis, severe valve regurgitation, or congenital heart valve defect. If the heart valve is not placed it can cause shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, and swelling in the legs. 

Early treatment reduces the risk of complications in the future and provides a healthy heart. 


Why Do I Need Heart Valve Surgery?


  1. Severe valve stenosis: It is a condition where the heart's valve becomes narrower and hinders the flow of blood to all parts of the body. It doesn't supply sufficient blood, oxygen and essential nutrients, leading to the tissues' death. Immediate Heart Valve Surgery in Delhi is necessary to prevent severe complications like heart failure, arrhythmias or cardiac arrest. It can be treated by repairing or replacing the valve. 


  1. Severe Valve regurgitation: Valve regurgitation is also known as leaking of the valve. When it begins to flow in backward direction due to the heart's wall failing to close properly. It causes strain on the heart, leading to poor circulation of blood. Overload of blood from the heart leads to shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling in the legs. 


  1. Congenital heart valve effects: Congenital heart valve effects is the problem associated with the heart at the time of birth. It causes structural irregularities and affects its function. It results in a narrow valve called stenosis or leakage called regurgitation. It causes severe complications related to the heart, like heart failure, or arrhythmias. 


  1. Infective endocarditis: It is a condition where the inner lining of the heart gets infected. It causes severe complications like valve damage, blood clots and the entry of pathogens like bacteria or viruses into the bloodstream. Consult with a doctor immediately and reduce the risk of complications. 


Heart valve surgery treats conditions like valve stenosis and valve regurgitation. It is a condition known for the narrowing wall or backflow of blood. Both affect heart health and cause heart-related issues like heart failure and stenosis. Infective endocarditis is another heart problem that gets infected by pathogens. Heart valve surgery in Delhi is done using advanced technology by Dr. Sujay Shad to open the blockage and allow flow of blood in the forward direction. 


Visit him at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital for more details!
