How Can Individuals With Respiratory Conditions Travel Safely?

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Learn how to travel safely with respiratory conditions. Stay healthy on the go with nebulisers, medicines, etc.

The holiday season is right around the corner and people are all excited to plan their next trip. However, not everyone's vacation brings incredible excitement. Yes, for people living with respiratory conditions, travelling can be challenging. Be it chronic lung diseases or asthma, these conditions can be complicated. 

However, this doesn't mean that you should cancel your long-awaited plan to your favourite destination. Thanks to medical advancements, these days many tools are available like the portable nebuliser machine. However, to help you navigate all difficulties, here is everything you need to know. 

Do Respiratory Infectious Diseases Spread?

Whether you are travelling or not, respiratory infectious diseases can spread in many ways. Some spread from person to person or when in contact with contaminated surfaces or objects. However, sometimes it also spreads through a combination of both. For instance, if an infected person sneezes, he/she releases infectious respiratory particles in air of different sizes. 

When the other person breathes infectious particles in, they get infected too. Similarly, you may get infected when you touch high-contaminated surfaces like door handles and then touch your mouth. Therefore, it is recommended that all must follow proper hand hygiene such as washing hands frequently or cleaning using travel-friendly antibacterial hand wipes.

5 Essential Tips to Travel Safely with Respiratory Conditions 

To make sure you are not grounded, here is your ultimate guide to travel safely with respiratory conditions:


  • Medicines


Traveling with respiratory conditions can be challenging but with proper preparation, it becomes easier. To travel safely, the first step is to carry your medicines. Make a detailed packing list including medical equipment like nebulisers, daily prescriptions, etc. In addition to carrying medicines and prescriptions, also make sure to check if they have expired. 

If expired, replace them at once. Keep 2 or 3 extras for unforeseen situations and emergencies. For more convenience, you can also label medications, especially if travelling with children. Before travelling, also consult with your healthcare professional for more advice. 


  • Nebuliser


For people with respiratory conditions, nebulisers are a must when travelling. These medical devices are made to turn liquid drugs into an aerosol or fine mist. Once converted, it can be directly inhaled into the lungs. These tools are helpful for people who might have trouble utilising inhalers. 

They also make sure that people with respiratory conditions receive the right amount of dosage. The best part is that they are easy to carry and are user-friendly. Because you might be asked to remove nebulisers from their carrying case during screening, pack them in a plastic bag. 


  • A Spare Oxygen Tank


Even those with normal lung function may occasionally need help breathing. Talking about people with respiratory conditions, when flying, they need more oxygen. Because the cabin air is relatively thin, patients with pulmonary chronic diseases or acute conditions must travel with an oxygen tank. 

An alternative option is a nonrebreathing oxygen mask and a nebuliser machine. However, make sure you bring a letter from your doctor along with your oxygen prescription and inform flight attendants. Also, you must reach the airport early for a hassle-free security check. 


  • Winter Gear and Mask


Although cold climates have advantages, they can also be quite challenging for people with respiratory conditions. Because the lungs of people with pulmonary chronic diseases are extremely fragile, cold weather and dry air can negatively impact their functioning. If neglected, it makes the condition worse.

Therefore, in addition to nebulisers, make sure you wear a cold-weather mask. They warm the hair before it enters your lungs and make the air more comfortable and safe. Avoid using synthetic textiles as they may lead to more sweating. Instead, choose warm gear since it keeps your body heated.


  • Check Accommodation 


When planning your vacation, don't just book the hotel, instead check accommodation. Elevators and stairs may seem insignificant but they could become a major issue when the time comes. People with severe respiratory conditions may have trouble climbing stairs. 

This includes exhaustion, breath shortness and other life-threatening issues. If not treated, it can result in catastrophic complications such as heart or lung failure. So make sure you select easy-to-access accommodations and always carry medical supplies like a portable nebuliser machine

Time to Unlock Your Travel Potential

At MedGuard, we are the leading provider of top-notch nebulisers and other respiratory care products. Our products are suitable for both home and professional use. Understanding how unexpected situations can be while travelling, we offer only reliable products.

Each comes with unique features and guarantees longevity and proper functioning. From hospitals to nursing homes, we cater to a wide range of industries and keep ourselves well-stocked. To order in bulk or for more personalised assistance, you can contact us anytime without any hesitation.

Source of This Article: Breathe Easy with a Reliable Nebuliser
