That you don't have the time and might return for a pup

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You would also need to be lvl 50+ battle to utilize this system. This system would only let you put up another bet option every 10 or even 15min (like trading now) after every deul and you may only place one at a RS gold time. You'd also be unable to perform"fun wepon" deuls therefore rwts cant spot eachother with a blossom deul (ty x dun89).

The system would let you bet things but they would go for the averadge cost in the grand exchange and also be rounded down to the closest 5mill or so (this could also help so rwt could not add a random number in order that they could select the person they want) determined by how much the stake is (so in the event that you bet a blue phat and it's worth 456 mill it will be put as"bet:455m") stakes would have to be exactly even unless you are fighting a person inside 10+ battle lvls higher than you. They then could double or tripple if needed. The maximal bet limer per bet will be 850M so that you could not stake more than that. You would also only be able to bet one thing but it could be a noted thing up as large as posible as long as it is 850M or less.

This is one of the most original ideas I've seen to reimplement dueling. I like the notion of a grand exchange-like system, and it causes RWTing to be very insecure. However, Real World Trading would still be possible, and also there would be several ways to circumvent the Old school runescape buy gold machine.
