The power of love words over our loving behavior

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You have surely happened to read words in a book or on the networks and have the impression that they are addressed to us directly. It has certainly happened to you to feel this desire to have written these words to say them to your loved one.

And when you can't find words powerful enough to describe your feelings, it can reveal an inability to confide, to express your sensitivity, or to show that vulnerability which is a strength and not a weakness. Telling each other everything is so important to consolidating a relationship. The power of words of love is revealed in many songs and poetry. We learn to reveal ourselves and to let our hearts become the quill of the inkwell of our being in an irresistible and natural way. The word of love sets feelings in motion, so it should not be neglected.

Knowing how to say "I love you" shows the strength to love. To say love without fear is also to validate it in oneself as a marvelous power in action which obviously fills the other! So let's dare to say it with sweet, tender, or "wild" or even strange words. Let the words become our ally in this adventure which is to love each other! Let us juggle with the words of love to honor our feelings of love and to seal with this indelible imprint the desire and the passion to love.

But what are these words of love that touch your heart and become the guests in the secret alcove of lovers? What are these words of love that generate love behaviors that are different from others?

When a word of love touches us in the heart.

There are oral sweets that we would love to hear our whole life. There is this jubilant pleasure to say words of love to our partner. The words of love when they touch us in the heart are those which come to dialogue with our emotion, our sentimental soul. They settle in a relationship and become essential in the couple because they allow maintaining tenderness, gentleness, magic.

The words are those of the verb of love. The word of love, who is it?

He is the one that is conjugated at all times. He is the one who makes our vibrate as soon as the word resonates. He is the one who calls to all matters of the heart, body, and mind. He is the one who always shares shayari for girlfriend and says sorry for every single mistake. 

The verb love combines with the words of love to create a wonderful unison in the romantic relationship.

Today you can write words in different ways either by texting, or by leaving small pieces of paper on the edge of a table or on a pillow before leaving.

Words of love are those of happiness in a couple and they alone have the power to generate tasty and unique behaviors in a relationship.

The word of love transcends hearts that love each other!

When lovers begin this beautiful journey together, they use the power of words of love to trace in the ink of their hearts a flowery path that leads them towards each other to share these moments of unprecedented happiness where each wonder is reflected in an interweaving of this energy. The words are formed naturally to describe this round where each becomes the music of the other as in an enchanted and poetic merry-go-round to whirl as a duo in the echo of what all lovers want to say, to whisper or to whisper to each other. to confess. They communicate from their awakened senses in a spontaneous and uncontrollable impulse. When the two beings succeed in touching each other's soul by their exchanged words, there is no longer any space-time, just conquering lovers who in a throbbing flow mutually stun the soul to live their relationship intensely. We just need to shout to each other again and again their happiness in loving them.

The more the letters overlap in the frantic cavalcade of their intoxicated messages, the more each one lets down his restraint and bares his mind in embraces of words that resonate their passion to carry them ever higher to where hearts soar to celebrate their tender bond. When the words of love become velvety, and it is in the light of this new way of speaking that they feel more confident and in communion. They feel like they understand each other, get along, and learn from each other thanks to the strength of the words chosen to describe their feelings. This heart-to-heart does not necessarily have a code or style effect, no too fast tempo or rhythm, just one and the same desire to make each letter of the verb "love" vibrate.

Words are gestures of love . They are those of a prayer that we hear in each of the two hearts when the night comes. They are soft, enveloping.

They come to soften our mind when we need to feel the tenderness of his beloved and they become caress in the morning, at noon, in the evening when the bodies meet again.

Words are nimble. They undress you at night and keep you warm in the morning. They are free and flight when nothing prevents them from speaking to each other.

Happy couples in love speak to each other in words of love. Words of love are there to understand. They are there to make our body and heart vibrate. They are dreams and they are this intense power to unite with our intimacy. So they have this audacity to put us in perfect alignment between what I think and what I'm going to do to love. Words reconcile. They are peace and wonder of the soul.

When words of love take power in loving behavior!

When we are in love, we do not use the same language to communicate with the coveted being. Love becomes a daring language that is used to conquer the hearts of others. This is what creates from the start of the meeting a little game of seduction where everyone has fun coloring the exchanges with mischievous and tasty hues. Whispering words of enchanting power unleashes a torrent of sensations, making the relationship sparkle with these delicious little words exalts feelings. When you feel your heart beating to the intoxicating rhythm of that of the other, this wonderful alchemy creates an outpouring of two souls who seek each other to speak another language not always very wise but very evocative. The words then have no limits and release in their path like a flood of emotions. Each takes power through textual confessions which like sensual caresses penetrate the heart of the other in the depth of his being, until giving him the impression of suddenly becoming like a magnet of compliments and attention.

Saying words of love to each other has this amazing power, to allow everyone to engage in the other to really get to know each other better and to unleash the full potential of the relationship. There is no more modesty or prohibition. Words are invited to express what cannot be ignored and it is at the heart of this word of love that the amorous behavior unfolds as during the parade of a peacock which in its spectacular dance exhibits the intensity of its vibrations and beauty.

When we love each other, we need to tell each other, without hiding, in the confidence of what is born to exist on a grand scale. And it is in golden letters that we write each thrill felt to build a bridge between loving hearts.

In words of love, we hear the word of love. The one that resonates in love stories, the one that makes the two partners even more present. The word of love is said, written, sung, danced, painted, transmitted, shared. Let's learn to talk about love, let's learn to say that the word of love is a living space in every relationship. It reveals itself, it is integrated into the smallest parts of our body and our heart.

10 words of love to share with your partner

We invite you to read these few words left by literature or music and vibrate them in your romantic relationship. Create in your home walls with words of love. Write to each other, speak to each other in words of love.

  1. " I love you! This word beats in my veins, in my temples and in my heart at the same time as my blood. The day I stop loving you, I will stop living. But as long as my soul lasts, it will continue to love you wherever it is, hell or heaven. "
    - Words from Juliette Drouet; A thousand and one love letters to Victor Hugo (1833-1883)
  2. “With you, my life takes on meaning. I have you in the skin, I have you in the soul. Without you I am nothing. You are my drug, my hope, you are my ideal. I love you. "
    - Words from Paule Salomon; The Spiral of Happiness (2012)
  3. “My heart is at rest when it is near you, it is its natural state, and the only one that pleases it. "
    - Words from Madame de Sévigné; Letter to Madame de Grignan (her daughter), October 5, 1673.
  4. “See you, hear you, stay with you; hate the nights when you are not in my arms; live with you, with you smile; kiss your cheek, your eyes, your lips, that's my sweet hope, that's all my hope. "
    - Words from George Gordon Byron; The bride of Abydos (1813)
  5. “Come on my love, I want to feel you melt in my arms! Yes… melt with love without any resistance or restraint. To feel you abandoned under the softness of my fingers. I love the shivers of your skin, your breath that accelerates at the slightest of my caresses. I want to hear you say "come", "take me", hear your "yes" then your "more"! I am impatiently waiting for you my love, I love you my angel… come, join me! "
    - Words of Maxalexis; Words of love just for you (2013)
  6. “You are my choice. I love only you. "
  7. “The spaces between the fingers were created to let another person fill them. "
  8. “A day passed without seeing you is no longer a day for me, it's a century, an eternity. "
    - Words from Sophie Cottin; Malvina (1800)
  9. "I want to go with him, elsewhere
    I think he loves me, he told me, by the way
    When he is near me I breathe
    I know I can tell her anything
    He understands me
    We make crazy plans, we laugh
    If the world isn't for us, so be it. "
    - Isabelle Boulay. A little innocence
  10. " When we only have love
    To share
    On the day of the big trip
    What is our great love? "