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Web 2.0 marks a before and after in the way in which knowledge is transmitted

Web 2.0 marks a before and after in the way in which knowledge is transmitted , we go from being mere consumers of content to contributing to its development.


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It is evident that this way of acting has multiple advantages:

  • Knowledge is shared
  • Is complete and filtered information
  • You work as a team
  • Different cultures are known
  • We are an active part of the construction process

The blog is the most widespread way to create and share information on the web.

Many tools allow us to create our blog:  WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Blogger, and WiX (about this tool we have a course on the platform where we tell you everything you need to know to build your website with a blog, how to maintain it and promote it, click here for more information), are the best known and most used. These tools are called content managers or CMS (Content Management System)

But it is not only enough to save the most technical part, once we have the support, the challenge of writing quality articles to feed it arises. In general, we are more used to expressing our ideas verbally, leaping content writing is not a trivial fact.

Thomas Edison said that a genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration, when you write an article the same proportion occurs; that is, there is an idea or topic to talk about (inspiration) and a technical part of development (perspiration).

We cannot help you on the first 10%, but on the remaining 90%, we do believe that we can guide you. We have prepared a guide with what we consider to be the 20 main points that you should keep in mind to write quality articles.

This relationship is based on reading and following other expert bloggers, but above all on our own experience experimenting with the articles we publish.

  1. Choose your topic. The first thing you should be clear about is what you want to talk about, the most logical thing is to write about something that you know well, otherwise, you will have to invest some time before documenting yourself. Always write on a solid knowledge base.
  2. Provide useful content. When choosing a topic,  also think about what kind of information can be useful for your readers, offer interesting content, that they can apply in their private or professional life.
  3. Structure your article. Before you start writing, think about all the topics you want to touch on in your post, this will help you focus the writing and not leave behind any point you want to address.
  4. The first paragraph is essential. The first lines of your post should be thought of very well since it will depend on them and a lot that people continue reading. In this first space, you must make it very clear what the rest of the article is about.
  5. It offers different levels of information. The article should focus on what you want to tell, but it is very convenient to add links to other posts, inside or outside your blog, that deal with topics that you refer to in a collateral way for those who wish to expand the information.
  6. Take care of the narrative. This is a very important aspect, you must be very careful with the way you present your topic, there are many techniques to generate "engagement" (hook the public with the reading) but one of the most effective is "storytelling" or narration of stories, especially if they are based on real events and much more if they are part of your own experience (small anecdotes)
  7. Adapt your language to the audience that reads you. In general, you should use simple language, which is easily understandable, if you have to use technical terms, take the opportunity to link them to sites where they expand the information.
  8. Highlight the main ideas. Facilitate the work of those who read you by highlighting in bold or highlighting the fundamental points of your article with a different color.
  9. Use lists to list and organize ideas or concepts, in addition to synthesizing the information, helps the reader to assimilate the content.
  10. The good if it is brief, twice as good. Try to be concise, which is not to say that you skimp on words. It touches on all the relevant aspects, but try to build short paragraphs and always go to the point avoiding detours.
  11. Write properly and without spelling mistakes, I don't think any explanation is necessary.
  12. Create an attractive title. The title is the reader's first contact with your article, it should not only summarize its content but should also attract their attention.
  13. A picture is worth a thousand words. Supporting our explanations in multimedia material is a fantastic idea, use infographics, diagrams, mind maps, presentations, images, and videos that illustrate and reinforce your content.
  14. Think carefully about what image you want to appear as featured in your post. Like the title, the featured image of the post (an image that appears next to your article on social networks, in the summary of articles on your blog, and the feed ) should summarize the content in addition to attracting the attention of the public.
  15. Write with your head, but express what you feel. The articles with which I have learned and enjoyed the most are those that have moved me and have done so because the people who have written them have been able to transmit strength and affection in their presentation.
  16. Adding categories to your post, especially if you have many articles, is a great way to keep your information organized, and therefore it will help the public that enters your blog to quickly find what they need.
  17. Invite participation, remind your readers that they have a comment area where their opinions are welcome. Introduce a point of controversy (without disrespecting anyone) to encourage debate.
  18. Spread your content, once you are satisfied with what you have written, share your post through social networks and in content curation tools.
  19. Add hashtags or tags that your audience follows on social networks, the reach of your publication will be much greater.
  20. Being grateful is being well-born, appreciating the interaction with your content, if someone spends their time completing the information you have shared or spreading your content, it is lawful to thank the gesture.
