How To Write A Perfect Press Release Without Dropping Dead In The Attempt

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If you've arrived here wondering why a press release is important for online marketing, you can leave through our imaginary door or you can stay and learn a little about it. Believe it or not, they are a fundamental part of online branding.

Since these small press releases will be useful to spread or develop the company's publicity in small online ads.

Besides being a little more formal, it can attract some potential customers to our emails.

But for this, you must know how to write one. Am I wrong? Follow us here, we will explain step by step how to do it and why it is so necessary to create one for each venture that comes to your business door. Are you ready? Here we go.

Think about your target audience, and come up with the ideal content. Easy right?

 The thing about press release writing is that they have a bit more of a formal feel to them than usual. It's usually based on the journalistic eye, and to get attention. It's worth noting that you can do a press release on everything from cats to cakes, from accounting to environmentalism, anything can be put into a press release as it has no content limits. Of course, it only serves as an advertisement, and therefore it is very important to define a base audience to know what kind of topography, what topics and the tone at which you are going to address them.

Think about which format is the best

 When you start writing, adjust your document to apply standard font and image sizes to your press release. Maintaining correct formatting makes it easier for journalists to access the relevant information in your press release. If possible, use a pre-established template on the Internet. Don't forget to place your logo and letterhead at the top of the document, choose the font size and color. As a recommendation, use Times New Roman or Arial fonts, this, together with the black text, makes it easier to read.

Add contact information.

When placing your logo in the right position, don't forget to add contact information so that your staff can answer possible questions about the press release.

The way you should place this information should be to the right or below your logo. Always try to include a particular person's name, email address and phone number.

Create an impactful title.

For the title of the press release it should be between 65 and 80 characters, it should be placed in the middle of the document, below the contact information. The title should be clear and direct in what you want to communicate. If possible, use keywords so that you have a good ranking in Google. Your notes may not have great significance for your SEO, but if you use the right keywords, it is possible that Google will include them in its search. 

The importance of including a call to action.

The call to action, CTA, serves to tell the reader in a precise sentence, what I would recommend them to do after reading your press release. That is why the call must be clear, concise and clear, always facilitating the reader's interpretation. If we are not going with a practical example, if your intention is to disclose information related to a new hiring, you should provide information linked to social networks, or if possible, the address of a web page where journalists can access the information.

Distribute your press release.

With your press release finished, it's time to put it in the hands of journalists, reporters and media representatives.

The way in which you can distribute your press release is divided into three main parts; take advantage of websites, use distribution services and share links on social networks. To ensure good results, you must know how to make the most of all three distribution methods.
