Art History Research Paper

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Whether you are an art major or merely taking an art history class as a way to fill in your electives, nearly every art history student will be required to write some form of art history research paper essay writer. Since the purpose of exploring art history is to learn a bit about how art

Whether you are an art major or merely taking an art history class as a way to fill in your electives, nearly every art history student will be required to write some form of art history research paper essay writer. Since the purpose of exploring art history is to learn a bit about how art developed throughout the ages, students are often encouraged to select a topic in which they are interested to explore further. Writing an art history research paper helps students understand the foundation of art from all over the world.


Like any research paper, an art history research paper must follow the basic structure of introduction, body, and conclusion. The length of the paper determines how much space is devoted to each section. In a short, one-page paper, the introduction and conclusion should encompass no more than one paragraph. The body of the paper should be about three paragraphs.

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In the case of longer art history research papers, both the introduction and the conclusion can be longer. A good rule of thumb is to follow the one-three-one essay rule multiplied by the number of pages required by the instructor. For instance, art history research papers that are required to be two pages long would have an introduction and a conclusion of two paragraphs each and a body that is six paragraphs. For art history research papers that are required to be three pages long, plan on having an introduction and a conclusion that are each three paragraphs long while the body encompasses nine paragraphs. Simply multiply the number of required pages by the number of paragraphs in a basic, one-page paper to determine how much space to devote to the introduction, the body, and the conclusion, or longer art history research papers.


As the name implies, an art history research paper should be research intensive. It’s important to find credible reference sources explanatory essay to include in the paper. The best place to find credible references are at a local or university library. Such sources include journal articles, text books, and thoroughly-researched reference books by respected authorities in the area of study. Although it is tempting to find sources for an art history research paper on the internet, such sources are not always reliable, or credible. Because of this, many instructors will limit the number of internet sources that a student can use to write his or her paper. The best papers are always those which follow the rules of structure as well as being backed by solid research and credible references.

History Dissertation


A history dissertation is a long, original, research-based document composed by a doctoral student in the final phase of his or her studies. History dissertations are written after a student has completed the requisite history coursework and passed a series of intense history exams buy essay cheap; the dissertation is intended to build on the information learned in the course of these pursuits and demonstrate the student's ability to think critically, research thoroughly, and provide new insight in his or her field.


Many history students in the dissertation phase of their studies are already advanced scholars in their fields and have published or presented research texts in the past. However, history dissertations will be different from these works of scholarship in that they will be expected to be much longer. History dissertations are often the foundations for books; therefore, they must cover a larger amount of material and present that material in the specific way required by their universities.

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History dissertations are based in research. Often, this research is centered on primary sources. A primary source is an original text. Often, primary sources are housed in the special collections divisions of libraries. Therefore, the type of research necessary for a history dissertation can require the student to travel to many different libraries in many different locations essay writing service, primary source texts are almost never texts that can be borrowed, but texts that must be viewed only in the special collections reading rooms of libraries. Students should always be sure to take copious notes when viewing such texts so that they have a plentiful information reserve to draw from later.


The way in which the student structures his or her history dissertation will depend on the type of history dissertation being written. However, all history dissertations will include several sections, including: (1) pages of front matter, including a title page, copyright page, approval page, abstract, table of contents, list of tables, and list of figures; (2) the main body of the dissertation; (3) a comprehensive list of the references used in the dissertation; (4) an appendix; and (5) the dissertation writer’s curriculum vitae. The structure of the main body of the dissertation will depend on the nature of the study being done.


All universities issue very specific guidelines for dissertations, and these guidelines must be followed exactly. Among other things, these guidelines will make note of the required writing and citations style the student must use; however, unless otherwise indicated, a student can assume that he or she is to write the dissertation using Chicago Style.


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