Advanced Medicine

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Advanced Medicine, Advanced Medicine Exchange what is all about and who is behind

I became an Advanced Medicine member after I watched a couple of YouTube video broadcasts of Dr. R Buttar – an amazing person with strong ethics and personal and professional morals, doctor, surgeon, and ex-marine, an author of the international bestseller “9 Steps to Keep the Doctor away”. He is also, one of the most censored doctors in social media because he is an advocate for the freedom of choice, freedom of information and as he called it, he is not anti-anything else but stupidity ?

I was taken by his integrity and mindset mostly because it was in alliance with mine.

When he introduced the “TAP into Reality” Multi-Millionaire Mindset program, I was all in and never regrated my choice thereafter. For the first time in my life I felt, I am at the right time, with the right people, at the right place.  

Let me explain what TAP means. Its Transforming Abundance Potential. This is something I strongly believe in, as well as, in the law of attraction, in freedom of speech and freedom of choice, freedom of information.

If you are driven by the same values check this site and see for yourself, sure you will find something you’d like

Being a TAP member gave me the opportunity to meet the founder and CEO of the CrowdPoint – Sean Brehm and his team – another great person, servant leader as he calls himself, and believe me there are plenty of reasons why, but that can be another time

CrowdPoint – waw, I still can’t even comprehend what hit me ? and once again, I was overwhelmed with that feeling that I am at the right time, at the right place with the right people.

CrowdPoint is the warrior, the revolutionary that will bring the power of the people back to the people. How’s that, you may ask?

Well, through the protection of our identity, offering better fair-trade exchange platforms where everyone is protected, from the producer to the consumer, via the emerging Blockchain technology.

One of those platforms is the Advanced Medicine Exchange, an exchange platform where you can  find quality assured products and services with a predominance of organic and natural products that can help in healing your body, your soul, your mind ? 

Advanced Medicine
