See why every conversation wheel is a sales opportunity

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Many realtors have doubts about the values ​​they would need to invest in marketing to become better known in the market and get a good return on sales. However, a very simple initiative is sometimes forgotten, and the chance to do it for free or at a tremendously low cost is lost:


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Introduce yourself as a realtor

Whenever you are surrounded by people with whom you have little contact or who need to introduce yourself, tell them that your profession is that of a stockbroker. Say your name and, when there is an opening, talk about your career. One of the easiest ways to do this, even making it interesting, is to tell people a funny story or story you went through that week, for example.

Don’t be inconvenient

The expedient may seem, at first sight, a little inappropriate to be put into practice in all possible situations, because we immediately remember those sellers who keep pestering us to buy something. But this is not the case. It is really important not to be a dull person and to recognize which are the appropriate moments to introduce, in the circle of friends or family, professional conversations or those dealing with your routine.

Have your business card ready

Always take your business cards with you to the various occasions and social events you attend. Although there is no desirable opening for you to make more obvious and accurate insertions about your career and services, there may be a possibility of exchanging cards with another professional or simply offering yours to someone else. The feature can be useful even at parties, nightclubs, restaurants and other gatherings that you have little expectation. You never know where a customer might show up.

Share your achievements

If you have successfully sold a new, highly regarded property, received an industry award or ranked high in a professional ranking, be sure to let people know. However, of course, always bearing in mind the rule of not appearing abusive or haughty. Measure the words and the degree of self-flattering, because the hype and redundancies can drive people away instead of bringing them closer to you, but never stop being your own poster boy.

Be the broker for your family and friends


Publicizing your name and services among acquaintances will make you stand out when a friend or relative wants to move house, rent a new apartment to live in or even simply want to do a real estate consultancy. Not to mention that they can bring you new customers through referrals. Anyone in the business, and you've probably come up with this idea by now, knows that most consumers rely more on the recommendation of a friend or acquaintance than the cold suggestion of an advertisement.

Offer discounts or extra services to referrals

Providing quality services and good service is a professional obligation, but you can increase your competitiveness by giving discounts or covering special services to old and familiar customers who refer you to your services. This is a way to become even more known and also to strengthen ties with those who nominate you.

How have you been enjoying family parties, chat circles and social events? Take these tips into account and put them into practice, and you'll notice that the results will be greater than you think.


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