How to Start Study after Procrastination the Whole Day

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How to Start Study after Procrastination the Whole Day

It's really hard to motivate yourself when you are stuck between four walls, and your bed is there, Netflix is right there and all the distracting apps are right there, that is the first problem that there are too many distractions.

Eliminate the Distractions

Yes, you can hear a lot of time that everyone say eliminate the distraction while studying UK CIPD assignment help but they don’t explain why you have to do that. We are more likely to do things that are easiest for us at that time when we plan for some work, we have so many distractions under one roof that can distract you from your work until you feel guilty enough and then you start your work.

Don’t Multi-Task

Multi-tasking doesn’t only mean that you watching Netflix and doing work, it can also be switching between homework and any other task at the same time. Therefore you have to try a time managing method called “batching”. This type of time management will help you to stay focus, decreased distraction, and minimize procrastination because you are forced to complete a small group of the task before taking a break. 

How Is This Difference Form The Pomodoro Method? 

In the Pomodoro method you work for 25 minutes and then you take a break in between, as my personal experience I prefer batching rather than the Pomodoro technique for two reasons. The first reason is some tasks take 10 minutes to complete while other tasks take 3 hours to complete, so limiting you to 25 minutes is quite efficient as I think, and taking breaks will ruin productivity and ideas of best dissertation help in UK. Therefore batching things that you want to do is necessary and then only resting after completing your work. 

Modify Your To-Do List

Don’t be afraid to modify your to-do list according to your mood. Let’s just imagine you have to do your biology assignment due in a few days, on the other hand, you have an economics exam that is due in 3 weeks. But if you don’t want to learn Bio right now then go ahead and study economics from writing yard without feeling guilty. Forcing yourself to do things you don’t like can ruin your mood and cause you to burn out which is not what you want.

Have Some Discipline

Take some breaks but fully focus when you studying, write down every single thing you need to accomplish before taking a break, and don’t take a rest until those things are completed. Because when you do these things are going to pile up and that’s when you feel overwhelmed and feel your energy will drain. 

Pressure Yourself

You can study with a group of friends, or you can stick your goals in front of you where you can see each every single day. Or you can open your room door and study top assignment helper where your family can see you; because that’s the point you have to pressure yourself, so you start doing work.

Prioritizing Your Mental Health As Well

You have to understand that taking a few days off is absolutely and doing nothing is not wasting time, it means that you prevent yourself from burning out. Additionally, keep in mind there is a difference between taking a break and being lazy.
