How Can You Tell Divorce Is Imminent?

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Men have a reputation for not understanding women. The same goes for women. Understanding the opposite sex isn't as simple as it looks. In fact, this is what leads to a majority of divorces throughout the world—that and money issues, poor communication skills, and abuse. Many people are utterly oblivious to the fact that a divorce is going to happen. In fact, some are oblivious to it. It's not until they receive divorce papers that they realize they're going through a process. For men, it can be even more frustrating and confusing. If you're unsure if your spouse wants a divorce, take a look at some of these telltale signs that there are problems afoot and that, more than likely, she's thinking about divorce or visiting a lawyer.


Has She Stopped Fighting?

For women, we'll fight tooth and nail for a relationship we believe in. If we feel there's nothing left to fight for, we clam up, shut up, and stop fighting. If your significant other has stopped fighting with you, you can bet that they're thinking about leaving. The energy it takes to fight is only worthwhile if you want to save your relationship.


Has She Mentioned Divorce?

If your spouse has mentioned divorce, this can be a troubling sign. You should certainly explore why it was brought up. Throwing around the words divorce casually is a red flag that something isn’t going well and that the other party is frustrated beyond belief. If you’re in a position where you can ask these questions and will work to change, it might be possible to save the relationship.


She’s Grown Distant

Have you noticed that your sexual intimacy has cooled off? Is your spouse spending more time with friends and less time at home? When there is a disconnect between married partners, this isn’t always a sign of a ‘healthy relationship.’ It can signal trouble between them. Don’t take continued distance lightly. When coupled with no more fighting and mentioning divorce, two feet are already out the door.


Should You File First?

Most Divorce Lawyers For Men advocate for filing first. This will give you some time to get things together. You can take note of assets, figure out how much your spouse is spending, prepare for custody situations, and more. However, there are no significant advantages in the courtroom to filing first. You won’t have an advantage over your spouse other than knowing you’re filing first.
