Top 10 Corporate Branding Trends For 2021

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Brands continue to reinvent themselves using a variety of strategies to stay fresh in the minds of consumers. In the same manner, the corporate branding trends require remodeling too. <br> <br>Branding trends that look modern and eye-catching take no time in turning dull and bland. This is

Brands continue to reinvent themselves using a variety of strategies to stay fresh in the minds of consumers. In the same manner, the corporate branding trends require remodeling too.

Branding trends that look modern and eye-catching take no time in turning dull and bland. This is due to the shift in consumer demand and also the advancement in technology.

To stay fresh, and relevant in the eyes of your target audience, you must strive to add that factor of uniqueness that gives you a cutting-edge over your competition. The following branding trends will inevitably help you tailor your corporate strategies accordingly.

Here are the top 10 branding trends for this year

  • Imagery of People

If there is one thing that always and always helps people connect with brands is seeing other individuals connect with them.

Keeping this in mind, branding designers have caught up to this idea by using a lot of human imagery to represent the brand. In particular, human faces with personalities.

Humans love to see other humans; this helps forge unspoken bonds. This humanization trend is all the rage this year, garnering more popularity each day.

Different artistic depictions of human forms in the form of illustrations can help communicate the type of brand you are. You may visit for more designs and digital solutions.

  • Quirky Art

A huge chunk of our potential buyers this year has been the young adults ranging between 18-35. This kind of art is especially popular among our target audiences who love a fun vibe.

If you have an exclusive image, which is unique, fun, and whimsical, then it serves the two essential purposes of branding- memorability, and recognition.

Hand-drawn illustrations and cute, anthropomorphized animals are a popular choice among all other art styles. Whatever you choose must reflect the personality of your brand. Whether it's an overly dressed animal or some other absurd character, it must be a representation of your brand.

  • Expressionist Colors

Using consistent colors to represent your brand whereby the consumers learn to associate those colors with the brand has been common practice in corporate branding.

As efficient as it has been, it limits your brand to using those colors only. This running year has brought forward a bold, fun color palette to express your brand with intense, meaningful, expressionist colors.

More brands are turning towards experimenting with a variety of colors and shades that add the flavor of unconventionality to your brand.

  • Strong Stance

Your brand is a representation of who you are and what you stand for, your values and beliefs.

Consumers find it easier to relate to a brand that roots for a strong cause, whatever that may be. This is even more true for the young generations like Gen Z and Millennials, who tend to follow brands that exhibit a strong stance; societal, environmental, or economic.

Your stance must ideally be the same as your target audience, or better still, it must be a part of your brand identity. Spread awareness about your stance in your branding material or talk about it on social media.

  • Geometric Patterns

So far, this has probably been the most surprising amongst all others.

This branding strategy better fits brands that want to give the logo more prominence and center stage. Geometric patterns are a great way of providing distraction and stimulation at the same time.

It is an impactful design choice in the sense that it uses simple shapes to create much more complex concepts while maintaining the simplicity and minimalistic quality of the design.

  • Asymmetry and Rugged Look

 This might just be a pet peeve for all those who believe in perfection!

It is a trend that resonates well with the younger lot and audiences, which are more counter-cultural. The imperfect brand design, the hand-drawn illustrations and typography, and the disproportionate imagery together make for a unique, distinctive design that is ideal to target the off-beat market.

  • Dark Mode

This year and the year before has seen the majority of us working from the comfort of our homes, eyes glued to our mobile devices, laptops, or tabs.

This increased use in screen time and exposure to the blue light has seen a growing surge in the dark mode trend. This is beneficial as it reduces the strain on the eyes, which is detrimental in the long run.

Many brands are offering the option to toggle pages in the dark and light mode as per their convenience.

  • Immersive Experience

An essential component of corporate branding is the overall purchasing experience. What you sell and how you sell it is crucial to the buyer.

The unboxing experience has gained popularity that is beyond mentioning. People are creating content around live unboxing, reviewing, and promoting activities

Keeping that in mind, it is crucial that your packaging provides a detailed and immersive experience to the buyer. You should be able to captivate the buyers' attention with every small detail on the brand as they open and unwrap their parcel. 

A small gift inside the box no matter how small it is can bring your customer added joy.

  • Accessibility For User Interfaces

With almost 15% of the world population with a disability of some sort, it is important to ensure that the content we produce is easily accessible for the majority population online to ensure inclusivity.

No matter how you design your web page, the font style, scaling, alt text images, etc must all be done while considering those with disabilities.

  • Design Gets Virtual

With AR and VR being actively adopted by different brands and organizations, experiential marketing will continue to see a constant growth curve.

Companies need to be on their feet now to come up with branding strategies that revolve around the digital environment to maintain the uniqueness of their brands.

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