A Brief Discussion on the Top Four Tattoo Trends in 2021

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Tattooing has attained popularity throughout the world. If you wish to get inked, you need to be aware of the trends available in 2021 such as mixed media, black and white, literary quotes, etc.

As the tattoos continue surging in social acceptance as well as popularity, more capable artists are being driven to the industry, which means now is the best time to get inked.

Like any sort of fashion trend, a few styles gain more acknowledgment than the other. In case one is planning on visiting a tattoo studio this year, they must keep the below-mentioned trends in mind.

Mixed Media

Some people do not like to limit themselves to a single style, specifically when a plethora of aesthetic designs are readily available. While it is necessary to amalgamate styles so that they do not clash on the skin, only an experienced artist can advise one on the best way out.

The experts providing services for Gold Coast tattoo shops said one popular style include amalgamating photorealistic images with surrealism or abstract elements. One may consider illustration work set against a symmetrical background.

When done properly, mixed media is the best way to give the tattoos a pleasing and unique experience.

Quote, Poem, and Literary Passage

Words and phrases are an integral part of several eternal tattoos that would never go out of style, for instance, ‘mom’ or a spouse’s name bounded in a little heart. Nevertheless, it has become a major trend to see the people getting more than just that.

Some people are inking slogans of their favourite literary passages tattooed on their skin. Other choices include poems, personal sayings, and motivational quotes. Having these words tattooed acts as a continuous reminder of what is special to a person.

Black and White

Black and white tats are another amazing trend that one can expect to escalate on the year 2021. When carried out by an efficient artist, they seem phenomenal and resemble a charcoal sketch or painting. What is more, they have a traditional and timeless look.

When working with a restricted colour palette, it is critical to look out for competent artists who have been working in the body art industry for years. Black and white tattoos require a lot of contrast and shading work. Poorly done black and white tattoos come out looking too light or too dark.

As for the designs, the portraits have acquired widespread popularity. People like to get mythological creatures or animals done in realistic style.

Neck and Face Tattoos

Neck and face tattoos are perfect for the tattoo connoisseurs and hard core artists. Nowadays, they are believed to be less extreme than they used to be. Many people are opting for simple and small designs in discreet places including celebrities such as Justin Bieber who got ‘grace’ inked on top of his eyebrow.

According to the experts working for the best tattoo shops Surfers Paradise, getting inked is an incredibly significant commitment; therefore, it is crucial to contemplate about it. The aforementioned trends have surely paved the way for some excellent ideas.

Regardless of the design one opts for, trendy or not, they must schedule appointment with a proficient, experienced, and reliable artist. Conduct a thorough background check before arriving at a decision.
