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The year 2020 marks a massive change in the mode of teaching in Morocco and internationally. The need being immediate, universities had no other choice but to innovate and equip themselves to face the constraint of the suspension of face-to-face courses.


The year 2020 marks a massive change in the mode of teaching in Morocco and internationally. The need being immediate, universities had no other choice but to innovate and equip themselves to face the constraint of the suspension of face-to-face courses. The disadvantages of distance education remained the same however. despite centuries of difference.

As indicated in a communication published by François Estelle Orivel, one of the main challenges remains the resistance of teachers, even the hostility of some towards change as well as the use of new information technologies and We also invoke the various difficulties that learners find in concentrating and memorizing the educational content of their course, the home not always being the ideal place to study, in addition to technical concerns that can disrupt the course of course over and over again.

However, the glass is far from half empty. Distance education brings many advantages, which are embodied in the creation of course materials and educational content that students can use at any time, which makes education accessible to as many people as possible and allows flexibility of the course. Many students in this case now have the ability to enter professional life in parallel with their studies, which was previously inconceivable unless they opt for continuing education. universities and higher education establishments with the technologies necessary to face the challenges of the 21st century as well as the achievement of an economy of scale consisting of a reduction in unit costs of training.

At the end of our reflection, the weighting of the balance of advantages and disadvantages of distance education in Morocco indicates to us that the benefits and gains obtained far exceed the negative features and the price to pay, which can be exceeded thanks to an experience effect consolidated by an investment in the technological infrastructure and the e-learning resources necessary for good learning.

In record time and thanks to the mobilization of the various stakeholders in the education and vocational training ecosystem, we have witnessed a massive digitalization of education which could have taken decades in normal times. Now that the Covid-19 crisis is approaching decline, the question is: what will post-Covid education look like?
