The obvious needs to be said: this is the sales funnel obvious

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Estevão is a sales manager for a technology company.

Your job is to ensure that the leads, in your case sent by marketing, do not encounter obstructions in the sales process and that, after closing, they remain satisfied customers.

One of the main tools for Estevão to achieve this result is his CRM sales funnel.

Even though it seems something mystical in the imagination of many people, the sales funnel is an extremely practical tool, making the abstraction of the sales process visual. strives to be Pakistan's biggest real estate developer ever, guaranteeing the highest international standards, prompt execution, and lifetime customer loyalty. With projects like blue world city Islamabad


When a potential customer arrives for Estevão's team, there is a path that he follows until the moment he swipes the card and a sale is concluded. Inside Imagination Tech where our character works, the path is simple:

  1. The lead enters the CRM directly for the pre-sales team, which makes the initial approach and is responsible for setting up a second meeting.
  2. The second meeting, still by the pre-sales team, is a product presentation. It serves the client to clarify doubts that have arisen in an attempt to use it and see the real potential it can achieve.
  3. After this meeting, the customer has a few days to use the product and extract the results he is looking for. The objective is to put into practice the usability demonstrated in the pre-sales.
  4. After this period, the customer is approached by the sales team. The goal now is to understand and break the objections. The seller's role is to direct the customer for payment.
  5. The customer paid and is now served by the customer support and success team.

For this to happen, all these steps are divided in the sales funnel, but with a detail: in the funnel the phases need to bring an intermediate point. When pre-sales takes the first approach and sets up a second meeting to present the product, there is a neutral, no-one-action phase called "scheduled."

With the same logic, after the demonstration, the trial period also counts in the funnel, and after the closing phase there is the payment phase.

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Estevão's funnel works more or less like this. Sales team actionless phases have an asterisk.

  1. initial approach
  2. Scheduled 
  3. Demonstration
  4. Experience period 
  5. Closure
  6. Payment 

The big secret of the sales funnel is to pinpoint exactly where customers are giving up on the purchase. And that's why the seller's no-action phases are also important.

In everyday practice, it is common for a customer scheduled for a demonstration not to show up and fail to respond to the pre-sales contact. Likewise, a customer who has gone through the closing phase by signaling that he would make the payment and that he liked the product can also disappear without paying, making a sale practically closed.

The deal is only really closed when the payment is made.

That's why the funnel brings a division like this, and which is usually customized for each particular reality. Every company has a different process that best fits its results.

Imagine that Estevão's funnel looks like this:

  1. Initial approach- 200 clients
  2. Scheduled- 150 customers
  3. Demo- 145 customers
  4. Trial period- 95 customers
  5. Closing- 90 customers
  6. Payment- 88 customers

When our character watches the progress of the funnel in order to improve his results, his first action is to observe the variation between these numbers. Variation means exactly where customers are losing.

With this phased view, it is surprisingly simple to identify bottlenecks and problems in the sales process. It is with this information that the manager will act in the phases where the falls are greater, seeking to identify the reason for the losses and reducing the difference between each of the phases.

The main objective is that there are no losses, this is the continuous search for improvements that the manager must make.

Tips like this are available in the Getting Started with CRM Course, produced and distributed free by Moskit. The course is fast and simple, designed for you to learn and apply immediately.  

To better understand how to make your CRM more efficient, click here and sign up for free.
