Madden 22 Focuses on Franchise Mode and Details Revealed

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Players will be able to mix and match with offensive and defensive coordinators as well as a player personnel department that will help us adapt our team to levels never experienced before.

Franchise in Madden 22 is getting some long-overdue upgrades like skill trees for coaches, improved weekly strategy, and a better UI with the new hub.

Weekly Strategy and Dynamic Gameday Integration

Playing off Madden 22’s emphasis on “Dynamic Gameday,” Franchise will offer weekly strategy opportunities and challenges for players, coaches, teams and fans. Weekly Strategy is considered the “core” of your Franchise experience as you’ll be forced to confront and overcome various challenges you’ll face.

Additionally, using next-gen stats, you’ll be able to study your opponents strengths and weaknesses with detailed statistical and playcalling reports. Using this information, you’ll create weekly gameplans and halftime adjustments.

You’ll also have to manage player health and fatigue levels by controlling practice intensity and reps.

Franchise Staff

Even though staff management has existed in previous deliveries of the title players have never seen it as customizable as in Madden 22.

Players will be able to mix and match with offensive and defensive coordinators as well as a player personnel department that will help us adapt our team to levels never experienced before.

This feature will also include a staff talent tree, similar to the one used to develop players, giving us better tools to create our staff dream team by unlocking unique abilities through XP.

Talent Trees

Franchise Staff is deeper than just hiring and firing coaches with random perks. You’ll be able to customize each member of your staff through an RPG-like progression system.

You can upgrade your staff through Talent Trees, spending Staff Points to purchase various boosts for each coach on your staff. Each of the four coaches will have two sub-trees associated with them and each tree is themed to that coach and the role they have in the organization. There will be some difficult decisions to make as some of the talents will lock the opposing branch of the tree.


One of the most requested updates to Franchise was Scouting and EA is planning an update in September that provides this revamped system. You will now be able to manage and assign national and regional scouts to better evaluate prospects in order to uncover details about them. Similar to real-life Mock Drafts, you can expect to see your Draft Board change throughout the season as more prospect information is discovered.

That's the latest news of Madden 22 we've know yet, plus other key additions that we’ll reveal as we get deeper into the year for Madden NFL 22 development season. we hope EA Sports will bring more surprises to us in Madden NFL 22. And will still here offer you the Madden Coins to help you enjoy a better gaming time!
