How to Set Successful Sales Goals

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You may have already experienced times in your life when you decide to start something, for example: going to the gym to lose weight, reading books more often, learning a new instrument, right?  strives to be Pakistan's biggest real estate developer ever, guaranteeing the highest international standards, prompt execution, and lifetime customer loyalty. With projects like plot for sale in park view city


At first, you have a lot of energy and excitement, but a few days go by, and you start to go through some situations, such as: boycotting the gym to go the next day, stop reading because you were tired or had another more "important" appointment, and so, the days go by and you end up leaving it for later, postponing the achievement of these goals for your life. 


Why does this happen? 

Often, this is simply because you are not clear on how to reach your goals. Thinking about the business world is the same situation. It's very difficult to hit a target without knowing which direction to shoot in. 

According to US speaker and consultant William Edwards Deming: 


"If you can't describe what you do with a process, you don't know what you're doing."

This sentence leads us to a reflection, thinking about the commercial sector, which is the focus of this article. 

If we don't clearly define what it takes to achieve closing sales (such as the necessary steps in the sales process, how many leads are needed to qualify and opportunities, deadlines, and more), your salespeople will have no parameters to know if they are in right way. 

So if you have the following challenges: 

  • Your company is losing a lot of sales
  • Your sales team is not meeting sales targets 
  • Your sales team is unmotivated and demoralized 

We recommend that you continue reading this material, as we will address the following points: 

  • The Importance of Sales Targets 
  • Tips on Setting Realistic Sales Goals
  • Benefits and advantages of a well-established sales targeting process

The Importance of Sales Targets

Goals are essential to guide and help the sales team achieve good results, and consequently, determine the success of your sales. They need to be clear and well-defined to maximize your team's performance.

Setting goals is a strategy that helps a lot in directing actions and maintaining the focus and motivation of the sales team.
But after all, what is necessary to define sales goals for your team?

See, in this post, how to develop your goals to achieve your sales goals


Tips on Setting Realistic Sales Goals

  1. Market analysis

Knowing your market well is the first step in setting goals. Market research helps you understand how your business is positioned in relation to competitors and customers.  
 Read More:

Try to know the growth percentage of the segment, assess the current supply and demand conditions, know the competitor and also the behavior of your target audience in relation to products and services. In addition, it is essential to understand how your market behaves in different months of the year, considering the seasonal periods with sales drops and peaks.

With this set of information, it is possible to build a complete scenario and avoid sales targets outside the reality of your market.

  1. Track your sales history

Always calculate your sales increase over the past few months and years. You should do a historical analysis, if your company has been in the market for some time, or by estimates, if you have a new business.
Based on past sales results, you can take assertive steps to adjust the production process to your sales goals. If the company is not in a comfortable situation, the goals should be geared towards reversing the difficult situations. On the other hand, if the business comes from a string of good financial results, goals must be developed in order to improve revenue.


Calculating sales targets can be a real challenge, isn't it? That's why we've made this account simple for you! We created a 100% online and free sales goal calculator.

Perform a simulation on the calculator and find out what needs to be done to reach your sales goals! It's simple and easy! Try it now.

  1. Objectives and necessary investments

If your company has been obtaining positive results in a row, it is possible to be more daring in defining the objective, always remembering that the more audacious the sales goals, the greater the investment to reach the expected result.

You should always think of new possibilities for your business, stimulating your creative capacity. Seek to encompass the maximum number of solutions for the needs of your consumer audience, bringing credibility to your business and convenience for those who buy. Evaluate each investment made and the results obtained. If an investment has paid off, that's where you should focus your efforts.

  1. Use technology


There is no way to establish sales goals with agility and precision without technology.

Sales management and customer relationship management (CRM) systems are there to help sales teams have very specific data about their customers and maintain a more direct, more focused and more personalized contact.

Understand how a CRM system can help your team achieve the desired results


  1. Set goals with your sales team

Allow your sales team to participate as much as possible in setting goals, as this way they will be more committed to the results.

When the sales manager sets goals, he often ends up not considering the salesperson's skills and experience. When the seller sets the sales target, however, he is committing to reach a quota. This will make him seek what was promised.


  1. Set achievable goals

Before setting a goal, it is important to consider the productive capacity of your sales team. To maintain this balance you can, based on the employees you already have, average how many sales are closed in a month. From there, it is possible to define, for example, how many sales each salesperson must close.

Therefore, care must be taken not to create impossible goals to be achieved, as this will harm the result of the entire sales team and, consequently, of the entire company. The important thing is to design realistic scenarios according to the team you have available.

Tips for hitting sales goals

  1. Set a deadline for goals


Goals must have a certain deadline to be met. If you create one and don't set a time for it, it can be reached in 1 day, 1 month, 1 year.

The best thing to do is to set a schedule with a forecast of dates for each of the tasks you foresee in the action plan. And it's important to try to follow exactly the way it was set out.

Setting an unfeasible deadline undermines the goal, playing too far ahead impacts the commitment to achieving it.

The organization is essential to generate good results and meet the company's expectations. After all, it's not possible to arrive at the end of the month with the “rope around your neck”, right? To help you do this, understand how to organize your sales and achieve your goals. 


  1. Evaluate and measure goals


Constantly evaluate the goals set and adjust when necessary. You can't reach a goal if you don't define how you're going to do it. It is necessary to determine some indicators to understand what activities should be done and help your team understand how they will reach the goal.

The sales KPIs are used to measure the performance of the company's sales department. Based on the results indicated by the sales indicators, the entire commercial team is able to understand how their activities and actions are contributing to the achievement of goals and managers are able, based on that, to better analyze the performance of the entire sales cycle and take the best decisions.


Get to know the main Sales Indicators (Sales KPIs)

Benefits and advantages of a well-established sales target process


Working with sales is a daily challenge. Sellers need to be encouraged and encouraged to do this hard work; it is not enough just to know how much they need to sell in a given period.

Closing sales and achieving goals is an ongoing and often complex job. And it requires constant work from the CEO or sales manager to achieve the desired success.

Creating sales goals is a fundamental part of the health of the business. A well-established sales process brings numerous benefits to the business.

Setting realistic sales targets in place and in operation provides guidance for the sales team to work. Salespeople clearly knowing what goals, expectations and roles are needed to achieve the goals, in addition to having a higher spirit, they can perform better. The company can only gain.

Another important aspect is the billing provision that sales targets establish. Based on the desired growth and commercial objectives, based on real numbers, it is possible to have greater revenue predictability by analyzing financial projections and controls.

Goals are complex and need tracking. Therefore, invest in tools that will help your sales team to successfully achieve all goals. Like, for example, Atendare, which has a goal control feature, in addition to allowing you to manage the entire sales process.

Discover all the benefits of using Atendare.


So now that you know what it takes to set realistic sales goals for your team, now it's your turn to put what you've read here into practice and start increasing your sales.

What are the goals you want to achieve going forward?

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