2 simple methodologies on how to focus on results

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Check out how to focus on results in a practical and effective way with the help of two books

When someone wants to know how to focus on results, be careful not to fall into the trap of simple lists that appear on the internet, with catchphrases and beautiful and impactful quotes.

In order to help you find truly relevant information with proven content on how to focus on results, we researched and found two good books on the subject that have stood out in the academic and business scene.

We've made a short summary of your main information and tips on how to focus on results and we pass it on to you in this article, in a very objective way.

The two books chosen were these:

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The Art of Making It Happen

  • by David Allen
  • Campus Publishing

In this book, renowned productivity consultant David Allen explains his GTD: Getting Things Done theory, which he applied to companies like Lockheed and Microsoft.

Blasting Strategies

  • By Rita Gunther McGrath and Ian C. MacMillan
  • Campus Publishing

Rita McGrath is a professor at Columbia Business School and considered one of the world's leading strategy experts. In this book, it presents 5 strategies and 40 proven actions to get spectacular results.

Discover 2 great books on how to focus on results

See now the books we selected:

The Art of Making It Happen

Making it happen is achieving results. For this, the author strongly believes that it is necessary to work without stress, with calm and tranquility to act effectively, without haste and precipitation.

This is not to say that your daily life at the company is not subject to strong and constant pressure. It's not about recklessly shying away from responsibilities.

On the contrary, the suggested methodology is about exactly how to make things happen and teaches you how to focus on results (and not on worries and problems) by mastering and controlling situations in order to get free space in your mind to apply all your full potential, using and abusing your creativity, intelligence, inventiveness and innovation to get the right ideas to achieve results.

It is necessary to get rid of blocks and anxieties that kill your ability to act and decide, bringing insecurity and indecision. All of this can only be achieved by developing a 5-step flow that he calls the GTD methodology, Getting Thing Done.

The 5 steps of how to focus on results:

Focus on what needs to be done and do one task at a time to achieve the best results.

  1. Collect:

Make a list of everything that needs to be done, all the tasks and obligations that need to be done, and put them out of your mind. That's right: put them in a “safe place”, a list, calendar, Excel spreadsheet, management software, or anywhere else that isn't your mind.

Just make sure you can always check the list.

  1. Process:

Now review each item on the list and decide what should be done so that each item can be organized into the next phase. To do this, you must answer the following questions:

  1. Can this item be done now, in 2 minutes? Knife!
  2. Does it need more than one step to take? Classify it as Project.
  3. Does he have a date to happen? Label it an Appointment and write it down in the calendar.
  4. Can it be delegated to anyone? Forward to the responsible and classify as Waiting.
  5. Can it be done as soon as possible? Rate it as Next Actions.
  6. Can't it be done now because of an impediment? Put it in the Someday category.
  7. Is this item absurd or not an action? Either delete the item, or save it for review.
  1. Organize:

Based on the rankings of the items you made above, it will form a priority list for you to make things happen, see:

  • Next actions: as soon as there is time, take them!
  • Waiting: those that have been delegated.
  • Someday: those that can be postponed and eventually not even done.
  • Projects: complex actions that involve several tasks to carry out the action.



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  1. Review:

You may have noticed that over time and circumstances some actions can change from Waiting to Someday or can even be done in less than 2 minutes or can even turn into Next Actions.

It is necessary to define a regular period to review and reclassify the actions (weekly, for example), so that we can arrange for them to be complied with or delete them, as the case may be.

  1. Do!

After all, that's what the methodology was created for: to make things happen. Follow the classification and transform the actions into performed, but now in an organized and logical way.

Of course, this is a very quick summary, ideally you have access to the book to learn even more how to focus on effective results for your company.

Blasting Strategies

The focus of this book is more strategic and academic. The author drew on 3 years of research to suggest 5 basic strategies that large companies have used to achieve effective growth results.

Analyze each of them and see how to focus on results through assertive and proven strategies:

The 5 basic strategies on how to focus on growth results:

Rita McGrath's research presents 5 strategies that get results.

  1. Totally modify the customer experience:

Access to products, choice, payment and purchase must be faster, simpler and more intuitive, providing more benefits to customers.

  1. Reconfigure the products or services:

Everything you offer your customers must be rethought to be visibly superior to what your competitors offer.

  1. Redefine your business and how you measure results:

Get out of your comfort zone and rethink if what you consider a good result is really working. The goal is to improve performance and change the way you do business.

  1. Predict and explore changes in the market:

Get ahead of your competitors and enjoy changing scenarios in your favor and in ways that surprise them.

  1. Develop a new marketing space:

A new product for new consumers in other areas and with different profiles. What can you sell differently and to whom?

As you can see, this approach is much more complex. However, the study is based on research, bringing strategies that actually achieved results.






