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From the Epistles of the Apostles almost all references to the Sacraments, as also to the Most Holy Virgin Mary, had been eliminated, and also require

From the Epistles of the Apostles almost all references to the Sacraments, as also to the Most Holy Virgin Mary, had been eliminated, and also required a work of restoration. Thanks to decades of Holocaust supremacism, the average westerner thinks only of the lot of the Jews, and has a very difficult time fully grasping the fact that Poles were also victims of Nazi Germany, even when he/she has been informed of this. This is their focus and concern so they dont deal with a lot of the concerns that arise for other peoples in i very different worldview like ours. Since the biblical texts dont even mention the Hyksos name, the name of this particular king (Pharaoh) or indeed give us any very helpful details about the king or dynasty, it is clear that these details were not important to the purpose and message of the scriptures to the community they were originally written for. The Germans used the POLICJA GRANATOWA for anti-Jewish acts, but it is conveniently forgotten, by the Holocaust establishment and the media, that the Germans also used the POLICJA GRANATOWA for anti-Polish acts. The POLICJA GRANATOWA was a German-conscripted version of the prewar Polish police.

Tomasz Domanski does not mince words as he shows us how Jan Grabowskis portrayal of the Polish Blue Police (POLICJA GRANATOWA) has, in Domanskis words, little in common with reality. These texts dont answer all our questions, partly because the questions we want to ask are not the ones they deal with. The questions that arise to us in our time, from our great distance away in time and cultural worldview, were not important to that culture and people. The true text says that this general circumcision was of all those converted through the apostolate carried out by Most Holy Melchisedech throughout the Land of Canaan prior to the conquest, as stated in the Book of Wisdom, and those converts thus joined the Jewish People with full rights, and were aggregated to the different tribes. With the Greek Bible called the Septuagint the same occurs as with the trumpet; and the book appears with light and darkness. Further down Saint Jerome appears with his ear-trumpet; he takes up the trumpet and puts it down; he writes, and takes up the trumpet; and the book appears with considerable light and considerable darkness (clarification: Saint Jerome translated the Hebrew bible of his time into Latin, a work which was called the Vulgate, the Churchs official bible until the Palmarian).

He could have pointed out that the German retention of part of the lower-level Polish administration had nothing to do with any German hope that Poles would collaborate. As though Moses would not have watched closely over the observance of this law! Again, membership was not voluntary. Owing to the fact that there are so many accusations debunked by Domanski, and most readers are probably not interested in wading through innumerable technical details, I consider one example-that of the Nazi German liquidation of the Jews of Stoczk. Now consider the WOJT and the SOLTYSZ (village mayors). It was not. The Polish village mayors were part of the German-directed lower-level administration. It helps to keep in mind that our questions, our needs and interests, our cultural curiosities are not why they were originally written. Who Were the Hyksos? From the Hyksos period, the eastern border of Egypt was never closed as in the old Egyptian period. Canaan's border was a scene of trade and migration even after the overthrow of the Hyksos and was part of the Egyptian sphere, for better or for worse, into modern times.

King Solomon was responsible for another series in order to disparage his father, King Saint David, and thus cover up his own iniquity and bad government. Inklikof the Council work, several series of adulterations were encountered in the sacred texts: for example, one series in the Books of Moses, owing to levitical priests downgrading the great Caudillo and giving greater credit to his brother Aaron, the first Levitical High Priest. Another series was encountered in the tendency to disparage converts, even eliminating entire episodes. For this reason, though trembling in the face of the magnitude of the task, Pope Saint Gregory XVII ordered the redaction of a Palmarian Sacred History, which would include all the sacred books and eliminate the falsifications. Failure to report for duty meant severe punishment. What did you have for dinner yesterday? Perhaps ironically, Poles did not steal from Jews. It is clear that the Bible text is not concerned about the historical identity of most peoples, in our idea of history. One example of adulteration in the books of Moses: the falsified text states that circumcision was not carried out during the forty years in the desert.

During the era of history in focus, Semitic groups from Canaan apparently were used to migrating into the northeastern Delta areas of Egypt to graze and get food during famine times, as portrayed in the story. And no wonder. The IPN no longer unilaterally promotes the standard Holocaust narrative quite the way it used to. That, unfortunately, is part and parcel of the standard Holocaust narrative, which saturates much of Western thinking, and which serves various geopolitical agendas, one of which is anti-Polonism. It shows the many ways that Grabowski and Engelking falsify history as part of their Poles-are-horrible storytelling. We continue to probe the scriptures and other ancient texts, archaeology and the glimpses of history we savor as part of our own common human heritage! The average westerner who reads Grabowski or Engelking gets no inkling of the fact that a Jew who fled the ghetto, for the Polish countryside, continued to function in i world of unmitigated German terror, and that this terror was faced by the Pole as well as the Jew. For the longest time, Polish governmental and educational institutions have scrupulously avoided responding to Jewish accusations against Poland. The meme of the greedy and (what else?) anti-Semitic villainous Catholic Pole helping himself to Jewish property, with its obvious Poles-owe-Jews undercurrent as per the Holocaust Industry, was popularized by post-Stalinist Jan T. Gross, especially in his GOLDEN HARVEST.
