Why the FDA Prior Notice Requirements Are So Important For Biologics - And Why They've Gotten Faster

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What is  Fda prior notice requirements ? The FDA has established under the provisions of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) certain mandatory

What is Fda prior notice requirements ? The FDA has established under the provisions of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) certain mandatory conditions for facilities to be considered as safe for use when importing or exporting food from foreign countries. According to the law, all facilities must be registered in a foreign country and comply with all the notified safety requirements of that country. However, according to some experts, FDA did not impose any such stringent conditions on food manufacturers to remain on the Register of Imports, Suppliers, and Manufacturers of cosmetics, pet medicines, drugs, veterinary products and human medicines. They feel that these regulations are being used as an opportunity for foreign companies to get cheap raw materials and make cheap exported products without necessarily meeting the quality standards that are required by the FDA.

Importers and Exporters have been following the letter of the law, filing the requisite paperwork and making every necessary submission to FDA for obtaining CBP approval. However, some industry watchers say that FDA has not implemented the same level of effectiveness in imposing Cautions and warnings against unsafe manufacturing, processing, storage and distribution. There have been many incidents of breaches of FDA prior notice requirements and these violations have resulted in fines and warnings issued by FDA. In addition, in cases where authorities found that a manufacturer had not provided sufficient information or had otherwise violated the regulations, they often imposed heavy penalties.

FDA's Approach to Prior Notice Requirements: A number of changes have been made to FDA's regulations governing the submission of notifications and related requirements for FDCPA notify compliance. According to FDA, it has been effective to implement a system whereby the applicant's facility can be contacted either by phone, fax or e-mail and asked to respond to a set of questions regarding the new product, rather than by mail. Similarly, all new products that will be distributed will be required to comply with all Cautions and warnings and, if applicable, the revised labeling and packaging requirements according to FDA schedule M-NP-2. The agency has also announced that, from now on, it will require that all manufacturer notifications comply with the definition of a Cautions and Warning and that all manufacturer responses be filed with FDA electronically.

Importers and Exporters Should Be Careful of FDA Comment Paralysis: FDA has identified two main reasons why food facilities prior notice requirements have been neglected by foreign manufactured foods. First, most foreign manufacturers do not have the adequate personnel expertise to properly analyze and interpret food label applications. Second, even if they do have personnel with the requisite expertise, foreign food facilities do not have the infrastructure to process them. To remedy this deficiency, FDA announced that from now on it will require all foreign manufacturers to file a completed form with FDA after submitting the foreign commercial drug application to foreign regulatory authorities. In addition, to encourage the filing of completed forms, FDA will establish new fee incentives for foreign drug companies that meet the requirements for filing a completed foreign drug application.

What Are the Benefits of FDA Prior Notice Requirements? Although FDA has identified a number of benefits to its prior notice requirements, these are only a part of the benefits. Prior notice requirements can help ensure that drugs that may have significant safety, quality or effectiveness issues are not subject to undue delay or dilution due to their inability to comply with the current regulations. Moreover, FDA's efforts to provide notice to certain categories of manufacturers and certain types of suppliers of biologics may have a broader impact on the domestic pharmaceutical market and may increase the number of biologics that are able to enter into the United States market.

How Important is FDA Prior Notice Requirements to My Industry? The importance of FDA Prior Notice requirements is perhaps not obvious on the surface. However, studies over the last decade have shown a consistent trend of drugs that are subjected to FDA prior notice requirements before they are released into the commercial market experience significantly lower incident rates than drugs that are released after the requirement date. Thus, it makes sense that the more time you give your manufacturer or supplier adequate advance notice to prepare a submission for an NDA before your new product goes on the shelf, the better your company will do in terms of meeting the regulatory burden placed upon it.
