why massage gun is essential ?

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We must bear in mind that these tools are not a substitute for a flesh and blood physio , but they are excellent tools that will allow us to face different training sessions in full conditions and with little discomfort

Surely lately you have seen photos or videos of athletes and sportsmen, professional or not, who use a kind of pistol or hammer and apply it to different parts of the muscles. Also, if you have seen it on video, in slow motion, you have probably been stunned by seeing how they hit on the muscles.

We are talking about massage gun, a trend that has become fashionable due to its success in muscle recovery thanks to percussion therapy. This therapy seeks to treat the muscles from many micro-blows of a certain impact, thus achieving a neuromuscular response in order to reduce pain, increase the range of motion and accelerate blood flow. The success of these new devices lies in three aspects:

The range of motion. The impacts penetrate up to 16mm into the muscles.
The frequency. 2400 strokes per minute can be achieved.
We refer to the pressure they can apply, reaching 20kg of power in some pistol models.
This tool, well applied, brings numerous benefits to our body, such as the following:

Reduces muscle pain and fatigue.
Improves range of motion of muscles.
Activates circulation.
Reduces and eliminates lactic acid.
Eliminate trigger points.
Improves lymphatic drainage, eliminating substances or liquids retained by the body.
These massage guns can be used for any type of sport, you just have to focus it on the most punished or damaged muscle group. To improve the response they bring different heads that we can apply to the gun and, thus, perform a specific type of massage depending on the muscle group or the type of pain or injury to be treated.

We must bear in mind that these tools are not a substitute for a flesh and blood physio, but they are excellent tools that will allow us to face different training sessions in full conditions and with little discomfort.

The massage guns can be used before training, in order to activate the muscles, and/or after, to recover it and get it ready for the next session.
Have you heard of percussive therapy? On it is based the Theragun device, "the pistol of the physios" renamed Therabody TM. Former Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova advises this brand, whose device penetrates the muscles, stimulating blood flow to improve the athlete's health. Hence, it has become the object of desire for physiotherapists who treat elite athletes.

Cristiano Ronaldo using his Theragun.
In contact with the body, the pressures of the therapy, which combines speed and force, work up to 60% deeper than vibration massagers. "It distracts from pain and provides an effective treatment more comfortable than manual therapy", is described in the Elite model, which is now silent and is priced at 399 euros. We spoke with the founder of the device, Dr. Jason Wersland, about all its details and operation, which Ezequiel Garay and Marco Asensio, among many other elite footballers, have tested when they are injured.
What are the benefits of using it?

A.- Our percussive massage gun has a variety of benefits, from helping to prevent body aches, greatly reducing muscle tension in seconds, increasing mobility and range of motion, increasing blood flow to the area to reducing pain, tension and pain, and can help speed tissue repair and growth.

Through research, we have identified how to combine amplitude, frequency, and force to effectively stimulate blood flow, which will ultimately help you feel better.

Therabody app is the perfect guide on how to best use your Theragun and optimize benefits with the correct speed, grip, headstock, and timing in different areas.

Q.- How should we use it to get a better performance (periodicity, time, at what time of day, with what clothes?

A.- The app is a good starting point. It should be used daily, regardless of activity level. I use mine sometimes up to six times a day to relieve tension in my body.

You should use it when you feel like you need it, be it before or after training, when you sit at your desk all day, or after a long day while you relax watching TV.

The device should be continuously moved over your body, not leaving it in the same place for more than a few seconds and moving it slowly over the muscles. It's easy, you use it for 30 seconds for each muscle, in increments of 3, 10 seconds, 10 seconds at the origin of the muscle, 10 seconds at the insertion of the muscle, and 10 seconds at the belly of the muscle. This is the best pre-workout. It is best to do this immediately before exercise. During training, when you can take a break, use Theragun for 10-15 seconds on the belly of the muscles you are working. Immediately after your workout, take the time to recover. Dedicate 2 minutes to each muscle that you have used. It could be 10-15 minutes ... best time spent!
