Do You Know The Live Stream Apps Changing The World?

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Do You Know The Live Stream Apps Changing The World?

its latest and its trendy. If you are not aware of it, then you are still in the out-dated version. Ok, now let us have a brief definition to have a better understanding of this term. Periscope is the live video streaming app developed for both operating system iOS and Android and created by Kayvon Beykpour and Joe Bernstein. Moreover, Twitter has purchased this app for 100 million dollars in the month of March 2015. Furthermore, Periscope allows you to go "LIVE" with the help of your smartphone anytime and anywhere and can watch other's live broadcasts from any part of this World. As per the survey in 2015, there were approximately 14 million users on periscope and moreover, 100 thousand joining every year. In addition, Periscope enables users to choose the option to make their live video public or private, or can simply make them viewable to particular people like their followers, fans, and friends. Furthermore, Periscope enables users to add "hearts" to the live video broadcaster by just touching on the mobile screen if he or she enjoys or likes the video. However, users are allowed to view these videos within a single day. After 24 hours, the broadcast is removed automatically from the application.To get more news about moonlive, you can visit official website.
How to start your own live streaming:

Allow Camera to record
Enable Microphone for clear voicing
Activate your location to let your followers know your place.
Moreover, you additionally have the choice to make your broadcast private, by picking just your friends and followers that you need to see your live video.
Provide an attractive title for your video and you can add emojis to brand it. The Title will be your choice. Moreover, it is very important to add Hashtags, which you feel important.
As per my suggestion, in your first video, just provide information about you in simple lines.
In addition, if you want to find someone, you can use Research bar.
LIVE PLUS can be used to enhance your business. Periscope is such an advanced and influential social tool to make your business grow and develop. For example, if you are launching the new product or having an idea to launch, you can share them with your followers on the periscope. You can even describe their characteristics of your products with live videos and can have an interaction with your viewers.

Introducing landscape mode:

Periscope has recently been introduced with some new highlights: the possibility to film yourself in landscape mode. This new update was a reaction to the group's request. Individuals would now be able to hold their smartphones either in portrait or Landscape. They can keep holding their smartphone in portrait mode, or match the supporter's introduction to keep up full-screen video. Now you will never require again, tilting your head make to watch landscape video.
