4 Essay Writing Mistakes to Look Out for

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Students are prone to making several mistakes while writing an essay. Hence, they seek essay writing help online.

Students are prone to making several mistakes while writing an essay. Hence, they seek essay writing help online. However, if you pay some attention to your work, you can get rid of the mistakes as discussed below.

  1. Vague and Boring Topic

Your topic should be interesting and trending, the one that sparks the interest of the teachers. Furthermore, the topic needs to have a wide scope of discussion, so that you are able to furnish the essay with updated information. However, you must narrow down the focus and offer a clear insight into it.

If you can come up with uncommon topics that many people are not aware of, then you can score good grades. And if you are not aware of Harvard citation style, you can use Harvard referencing generator.

  1. No Thesis Statement

Believe it or not, most students forget to include thesis statements in their essays. A thesis statement serves as the foundation for the entire paper, and it is debatable in nature. It's a one-sentence statement that summarises your essay's core point or claim. Later in the text, the thesis will be developed and supported using instances and proof. It is critical to understand that a topic is not the same as a thesis statement.

Meanwhile, if you are unable to cite sources, use tools like APA referencing generator.

  1. Lack of Proper Structure and Transitional Phrases

Many students cannot organize the paragraphs chronologically in the body of the essay. One must always abide by the following template:

  • Introduction (Hook, Thesis Statement, Brief Overview of the Topic)
  • Body (3-5 paragraphs)
  • Topic Sentence
  • Validation
  • Concluding Sentence
  • Conclusion (Rephrased Thesis Statement, Key points of the Essay, CTA for Readers)

Furthermore, when you transition from one paragraph to the other, make sure that you use transitional phrases. For instance, you can use 'Consequently,' "On the contrary,' 'As a consequence,' etc. 

If you feel that the task is daunting for you, avail essay writing service in Australia.

  1. Sentence Construction and Grammatical Errors

Many students make sentence construction errors by delving more into complex sentences, instead of focusing on simple structure. Thus, you must wrap up a sentence within 20 words. In addition to this, you must keep an eye out for grammatical mistakes.

Now, this is a wide spectrum, as it involves eight parts of speech like prepositions, nouns, etc. Furthermore, you have to focus on subject-verb agreement, usage of active and passive voice, tense, etc. And last but not least, make sure that there are no spelling and punctuation errors. And for citation, use Vancouver referencing generator.

If you watch out for the mistakes above, your essay will be flawless. And you won’t require any essay writing help.

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