Sharing With Your Partner That You Are Infected

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STDs spread easily from a person to another during sex (anal, oral and vaginal). It can transfer while having close intimacy as well.

STDs spread easily from a person to another during sex (anal, oral and vaginal). It can transfer while having close intimacy as well. STDs also known as STIs can lead to serious health hazards if proper treatment is not received on time. An infected person can or can’t possess any symptoms.

In fact, during asymptomatic they don’t know that they are infected and spread the infection to the partners. This is the reason every person is requested to undergo the STD testing at after having unprotected sex.

Necessity of sharing the information of infection with the partner

After being diagnosed as positive you must undergo proper treatment and share the information with the sex partners! It is important as their health is at risk too no matter how much you are scared, embarrassed or worried. It becomes the most important conversation to have!

Some potential reasons to share the information with the partner are mentioned below:

  • STD leads to major health issues if it is not diagnosed and treated
  • STD lessens the probability of getting pregnant in future if treatment is not done
  • Informing the current and past partner to get tested and treated if positive
  • Sharing the future partner to take informed decision
  • If you undergo treatment but the partner doesn’t then there is risk of re-infection
  • It is criminal offense not to share about your STD infection to the partner in many states

Talking about STD with the new partner

After having an STD it is obvious to feel anxious to share it with your new partner as everyone assumes the thing differently. Here are some tips to deal with the conversation.

Thinking of reversing the roles

Always put yourself in the place of your partner when you lack some confident. How are you going to react! So, boost up your confidence and feel proud on the intentions you have.

This urge to talk on the matter clearly denotes how much you care for the relationship and your partner’s health. You partner will respect you for being brave and honest and speak up on a taboo topic like STDs.

It is always best to direct

Prior to start sex talk with the partner regarding STD and protection as you are already infected! Disclose every possible bit of information like its type and the way you get it. There is no necessary to share every particular detail of the past relationship. But your openness to the infection and accepting the thing will make the partner more comfortable and confident on you. 

Stay honest always

Remember you must going to share the information of being infected to the partner. Honesty always paid off well!

Let your conversation to progress naturally

Sometimes you must listen instead of talking to the partners. As it is going to be shocking news, be ready for that. It is obvious to panic for some people. Some come up with more questions and some just need time to assume the things.  

Never push the partner to take any decisions

It is not helpful to push the partner to take the decision forcefully. Reassurance and acceptance is required after you reveal that level of personal information. Hence, give some space to the partner. You can give suggestion like you need some time and space to think on this is the perfect portrayal of your control and confident in the matter.  

Allow them to ask questions

During interaction, provide some interesting facts on STD to the partner. It is absolutely fine if you fail to answer every question. Then the right time arrives for you two to visit a clinic and clear your concerns.

For the time being you can decide not to engage in sex (oral, anal or vaginal). Instead there are several ways to enjoy the intimacy and express the feels for each other. But while having sex, do have safe sex and use condoms.  

Sharing information about STD to your current partner

During a relationship and diagnosing with STD simultaneously brings a lot of emotions. Sometimes, your trust will be questioned while sometimes you will feel cheated! But remember that STDs never emerge all of a sudden. It is because you have sexual contact with your previous partners who had the infection which end up being yourself infected unknowingly.

If this is the case and you are in a healthy relationship at present share the information with the partner on an earliest note. Always speak the truth otherwise the situation will become more difficult to handle as your present partner get angry or upset too! 

Stay calm during this and listen carefully to the fears and concerns of your partner. Share information as much as you can regarding STD. Also provide some time to the partner in understanding the things in better way.

If you already have physical intimacy then stop for the time being and get tested. Sometimes many persons don’t exhibit any symptoms and yet are infected. If this is the situation that treatment is substantial! Continue taking the medicine as your doctor prescribed for reducing the impact. Proper treatments on time can lessen the risk of transferring the infection if you have HIV or herpes.  

Remember if either you or the partner is not monogamous then every partner should need the test. For a while if you suspect an infection let your previous partners know about it so that they can get tested as well.

You may feel awkward but sharing is the most essential and appropriate thing you can do. For more query visit to a nearby walk in STI clinic in London and consult with the doctor. To prevent any such occurrences in the future you are advised to use condom during sex.
