This Guide to DIY CNC Router Parts is designed for exploration and learning. This page is the home page and visual table of contents. Click the menu above to scroll to a particular part of a typical CNC Router. You’ll get a brief overview of the part together with links that let you drill down and discover more detail about the CNC Router Part.Get more news about Desktop Cnc Machine Parts,you can vist our website!
The frame supports the machine and provides rigidity to resist cutting forces. For larger routers, there may be a stand with legs or a welded base. Smaller models sit on top of a bench.
CNC Milling Machine Frames are most commonly made of aluminum extrusions. Other possibilities include aluminum plate, steel weldments, or even wood. To get an idea of a really stout frame that could be made of steel weldments and epoxy granite fill, click the link.
cnc router table spoilboard wasteboard
CNC Router Tables can be made from a lot of materials. Shown are aluminum extrusions set up to create T-Slots. A router table might also be made of an expendable material like MDF. In that case, if it is intended to be expendable and replaced when needed, it is usually called a spoilboard or wasteboard.
CNC Router Tables may be bare, but often they will have features to facilitate workholding. For example, T-Slots, a hole grid, or a vacuum table are common.
Wood tops are sensitive to moisture. In fact they can swell enough to cause accuracy issues for the CNC Router. For that reason, aluminum, steel, or phenolic are commonly found on higher end machines. A wooden spoilboard may then be attached atop the tough table below.
Some say the Spindle is the heart of any CNC Machine. It certainly plays a major role in setting the performance potential of the machine.
At the low end, CNC Routers often use regular hand held routers or even Dremel-style tools as spindles. A step up from that is a spindle with a VFD. At the top of the heap are spindles set up for ATC–Automatic Tool Changers.
CNC Routers have at least 3 Axes. An axis consists of some kind of sliding “ways” and a drive system that motorizes the axis under computer control.