It’s important to note the difference as they’re equally popular: With unglazed polished tiles the colour runs all the way through the thickness of the tile. With glazed polished tiles, a layer of glaze is added to the tile before it goes into the kiln.Get more news about Glazed Polished Porcelain Tile,you can vist our website!
The dense, hard surface of porcelain has made polishing a viable alternative to a glazed surface. This means that a tile can be fired, then a polished creating a shine without a glaze. Porcelain tiles with a nano treatment are more dirt and stain resistant, glossier and have more intense colour.
In terms of how they are manufactured, there is no difference between glazed and unglazed ceramic and porcelain tile, other than the fact that glazed tiles undergo an additional phase in the firing process.
Durability: The density of porcelain tile makes it more durable than ceramic tile while being less subject to wear and tear. This makes it more suitable for commercial use as well as in the home. Ceramic tiles are more porous and often have a higher water absorption rate.
Visual Inspection. If you are working with new tiles, you can easily tell if a porcelain tile is glazed or not by looking at the side of the tile, or the underside. Glazing only partially covers the edge of a tile, and the bottom of the tile is a completely different color than the glaze on top.
For polished or glazed porcelain tile, wipe with hot water and scrub stains with a bristle brush. Wash with vinegar solution or a commercial tile cleaner diluted to half strength. Wash one more time with hot water to rinse off the cleaner, then dry with a clean towel.
It’s a good choice for high-traffic areas, kitchens and bathrooms. It’s tough enough to be used outdoors in any climate. Glazed porcelain tile has a glass-like coating applied during firing to produce colored surface. Made from sands and minerals, it’s harder and more dense than ceramic tile and water resistant.
Grade 1 tiles are the weakest, with the best application as wall tiles. Grade 2 tiles are best used in areas where there is light traffic, such as residential bathrooms. Grade 3 tiles can withstand slightly heavier traffic, and is the most common choice for residential applications.