Self-Care Is Not Optional – It’s Health Care
Avoiding stress may seem, initially, to come with an emotional cost, but that’s often because of the pressure we exert on ourselves. We may think we need to work longer and bring work home with us to “prove” ourselves to our boss. We want to be worthy of our friends, or feel needed, so we have a hard time saying “no” to every little request that consumes our time and energy. Some people get trapped in a “status war” and spend beyond their means so they project a certain image within their social or professional circles, creating financial stressors.
Relieving financial stress can seem the most difficult, but like everything else, your biggest investment is going to be in your self-discipline. Eliminate any unnecessary spending, such as streaming television subscriptions, or dining out several days a week. If you need quick access to cash, rather than taking out a loan, look at what you can sell. An attractive and budget-friendly sofa is just as functional as an expensive, high-end leather one!