The 8 Greatest Public Relations Myths of All Time

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The 8 Greatest Public Relations Myths of All Time

If you've had some success, and you've got an idea of the inner workings behind media relations, it's likely that you'll fall for some or all of the myths. The fact that you know a few things could be dangerous. God knows there are more media-related myths than the ones I've listed here. There will be more to come however, the following is a listing of the most popular eight myths.

1.) All Media is Good Media It's nonsense. For example, ask Michael Jackson. If the campaign is a success and the situation, a controversial media outlet could help. But getting media attention as the murder suspect or as a sexual offender isn't going to be a boon for your professional career.Are you looking pr agency delhi

2.) I'm not able to use National Media unless there are some very specific requirements or reasons to steer out of this, I'm not a big advocate of going national even if the main goal is local. What's the reason? Let's suppose you receive an interview with a thirty-second time slot on CNN. What next? Let us move as fast as we can and inform all local newspapers be aware that you recently were interviewed by CNN. You were a small town businessman who hails from Nowhereville, USA, were mentioned on national news. I can assure you that nothing does more to impress the media than media. Now, you're national news and you're in the position to launch a more successful local news program.

3.) I only want only the Big Media - Too many professionals who understand the method by which their company operates are ignorant to the reality the PR process is an procedure. You rarely go from zero to 180 in 30 seconds. If you only choose the big media, they don't realize that they're making it harder for them to accomplish the objective. I must constantly explain to my clients that lesser-known media are my tool. These placements aid me in obtaining more substantial media bookings. A while ago, we placed a client's name in small magazines. The magazine's placement wasn't likely to benefit clients, however we paired the placement along in conjunction with our release and a products, and then sent it out to Oprah's production team. Did you know what his next appearance on television was? This is the perfect introduction to the next legend.go For THe delhi pr agencies

5.) One Session on Oprah and my Life will Change - One of the main reasons why certain people are so bitter and angry after just a few months of PR is due to what I refer to as"the mentality of the Grand Slam. A lot of people believe just one interview on TV or article in a magazine will be the final straw.

It's most likely to be Oprah because she's the one who needs this story, and it's going change the lives of people. The one story that will change the entire world around. All their troubles will be gone. The money will be flowing into the country, and they'll be able relocate into in the Bahamas to retire. But it's not going to happen this way. Therefore, you need to come back to reality along with us. You're running an effective PR campaign and are not the lottery.

6.) I don't need or Desire PR, I just want to be successful - Many people are resistant to participating in media. They don't want to participate in interviews, they don't wish being "stars," they just desire their business to become prosperous. If you're feeling this way, consider what you're willing and able to do to succeed. Are you prepared to use the most effective marketing tool that is available? Are you prepared to risk it all, use the power of the media and give your business an opportunity to succeed? If no consider it.

7.) I'm not interesting enough to get media placement - There's a chance that the press did interview you once before, but that was a fluke. You're not interesting enough, you're too timid, your company is boring, nobody will pay attention to anything you've got to say. Why try media advertising? It's not going to work at all. It might be worth reviewing your perspective. Every person has a fascinating story. The trick is finding the story.Here you go For THe pr agencies in delhi

8.) My Story is so easy to Speak I'm sure you should be paying me - You've not a clue how often I've heard the phrase. It's neck-and-neck alongside the "I'm ideal to be Oprah" phrase. There are no simple campaigns. Some are more swift than others, however fast moving campaigns come with the same problems. What this story really means is that I don't want to invest the time and money required to run a successful campaign. The story is that it's easy to fall in my lap. The reality is that, if it's not come to your doorstep in the past, let go of any magical thoughts and think about your campaign as an intelligent, successful focused, professional business.

Anthony Mora began his media career as editor and journalist for magazines. He joined the media in 1990. Anthony established Anthony Mora Communications, Inc., an LA-based company in public relations which has placed clients with: Time, Newsweek, 60 Minutes, CNN, USA Today, Oprah, The New York Times, Vogue and various other media. Anthony is also creator of "Spin to Win" was featured by USA Today, Newsweek, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The BBC, CNN, Fox News, and other media outlets.for more info visit
