Scientific writing

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On the subject of gender! You should also consider gender issues when writing academic papers. Whatever you choose, naming both genders, the underscore or the use of a single form), buy essay online you should explain this in a footnote at the beginning of your work when you first mention a gender-indicating term.

When referring to people in the text, both feminine and masculine forms should be used appropriately or the use of the feminine and masculine forms should be pointed out at the beginning of the work - e.g. B. with the note: “When reference is made to people in the following text, the masculine form is used for the sake of simplicity and better readability. However, both male and female persons are meant. "

The correction phase

In academic work, especially in a bachelor's or master's thesis , not only the technical, but also the linguistic requirements are high. Errors should not occur in these texts, which is why the correction phase is important. In addition to checking grammar and spelling, you also have to proofread for understandability and the course of the content. Let your work be read by experienced specialist editors.

The editing of a bachelor thesis not only gives your work the linguistic fine-tuning, you also receive feedback and comments from the editor, cheap essay online  hich you can use for this and other wok. It is also advisable to have some time before the deadline and to let the work rest for two days. In this way, you can better discover any discrepancies that you may have missed during the writing phase. What is important for a bachelor thesis should of course not lose its importance for a doctoral thesis or seminar paper. Scientific texts always have to go to a correction phase.

Scientific writing style - a must for every student. Each course of study has its very own technical language, which you can see in every book and every other publication. In addition, there is the general scientific writing style. When it comes to your bachelor's or master's thesis at the latest, it becomes important that you not only understand this scientific language, but also be able to use it yourself when writing. This article explains how to express yourself correctly in scientific texts and how to find your own scientific writing style.

Scientific writing style: characteristics

A scientific writing style is clearly distinguished from everyday language and above all from journalistic or popular science language by certain regulations (cf. Haines 2009: 143). This includes, among other things, buy assignment online the use of a vocabulary from numerous technical terms. If you want to be successful in your studies, you have to master this scientific writing style.

1. Scientific writing style: Avoid filler words

Scientific texts are peppered with information. However, any statements must be substantiated with references or quotations to the relevant literature or source in the correct citation (cf. Krumbiegel-Esselborn 2010: 16). Therefore, in order to include all the necessary information in a bachelor thesis, master thesis or dissertation with a limited number of pages, it must be brought to the point precisely and unambiguously (cf. ibid. 41 and see the guidelines of the Technical University of Freiberg ).

The writing style in the course must therefore be as precise and clear as possible. There's no point in writing empty-handed around a statement or getting lost just to fill a page. Rather, buy dissertation papers one should delete such text passages or unnecessary filler words before submitting the thesis so that the central statements are in the foreground (Heimes 2011: 75).

Typical filler words are, for example : well, well, mostly, as a rule, to a certain extent, apparently, correspondingly, certain, already or namely.

2. Scientific writing style: Comprehensible sentence structure

This clear expressiveness should also be followed in the sentence structure. Ultimately, the sentences must be logical and understandable for the reader. Nested constructions that span several lines make legibility more difficult and should be rephrased in short, simpler sentences (cf. Haines 2009: 117 and Heimes 2011: 72).


The author, who first published his work in 1956, triggered a public dispute in which numerous leading scholars took part with his statements,

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In 1956 the author published his work for the first time. Because of his provocative statements, he initiated a public dispute. Numerous leading scientists took part.

3. Scientific writing style: precise choice of words

The same applies to the choice of words: This should be accurate and not allow for ambiguities. Empty phrases, metaphors and colloquial terms have no place in a scientific text (cf. Heimes 2011: 99).


The author's work is as varied as a colorful bouquet of flowers.

The discussion about his work turns in circles.

The author appears as a typical know-it-all.

