Importance of Health Checkups for the Employees

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An Employee health checkup is good to both employee and employer. It may help to improve the employee’s health, decrease absenteeism and increase productivity.

The best performance employees are a treasure for the growth and success of company. This should be considered with other marketing tactics and a healthy employee will deliver great results in no time. Different organizations invest their time and money in creating wellness programs for employees. With employee health checkup, it is possible to detect your health problems before they may turn serious and affect overall performance. So, employee health checkup is the first step for the employees and the employer. This blogpost discusses about the importance of employee health checkup in today’s world.

Importance of employee health checkup

The fact is that corporate sector brings with it lots of stress that can affect health condition of employees. This is the reason why many employees suffer from several diseases and they fail to take care of their health. They need proper guidance on health lifestyle habits and proper work-life balance. With health checkup for the employees, the team can maintain a track of their health condition. This enables them to take necessary steps for improving health condition at the right time.

All employees do not have a healthy lifestyle and some may not even see a doctor unless they find any health concerns. This mandatory health checkup will save money and time for the employer and employees. It will also detect minor health concerns before they may become severe. The workplace health checkup for employees will encourage in re-assessing daily choices for a healthy lifestyle. When any employee has unhealthy habits like drinking and smoking, he/she will refrain from them.

Benefits of health checkup for employees:

  • Proper access to health information
  • Lessen the level of stress
  • Improve your physical fitness
  • Improve your overall well-being
  • Reduce health problems and medical costs


Benefits of health checkup to organizations:

  • Less absentism lessens sick leaves of employees
  • Improve productivity of all employees
  • Better loyalty among staff
  • Greater satisfaction of employees and positive morale in workplace


Different companies include pre-employment screening in the corporate health checkups to hire the right candidates according to the criteria. The private health assessment in London will allow in knowing the health condition of employees on time. The bottom line is that a healthy staff can create a big difference in the culture and growth of the company. By offering routine health checkups, you actually encourage them to lead a better lifestyle.

Different kinds of corporate health checks

Pre-employment health checkup

This type of health screenings are health checkups for the employees to ensure they are medically fit for taking up the job. These health checks can maintain healthy workforce with comprehensive record of employees and knowing about their primary health risks.


Executive health checkups


Healthy executives take up several responsibilities of the company for maintaining a stress-free workforce.


Health surveillance


With different health checkups, you can evaluate any health risk in your workplace. Health surveillance is necessary for several occupations where the workers generally have more health risks. It enables the employers to know whether or not some protective steps are necessary to save people from occupational hazards.


Lifestyle evaluation


Some periodical health checkups for assessing overall wellbeing of employees include the following:


  • High pressure
  • High glucose level
  • Smoking
  • High cholesterol level
  • Obesity
  • Alcohol
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor diet


Some tests for health screenings are:


  • Urine test
  • Kidney test
  • CBC
  • Diabetes profile
  • ECG
  • Cholesterol level
  • Biophysical measurements and vitals
  • Thyroid test


How you can encourage health checkups


  • Educate stakeholders about probable benefits of health checks on a routine basis
  • Employers are given incentives upon the completion of a specific task.
  • Increase awareness
  • On-site health checkups
  • Full confidentiality about your personal data
  • Tie-ups with different apps to get discount vouchers.


As prevention is better than cure, the choice of unhealthy lifestyle has some relation with health care costs of an employer. This may be the reason for loss of productivity and you should protect yourself to prevent health problems in future. You may get in touch with for more information on corporate health checkups and enjoy your life.
