Your collection is restored

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Your collection is restored. Artworks are not impervious to human error. And that includes anytime an artwork is sent clean, removed, or put

What to do if your art is damaged?

These stories provide insight into certain facts that are undisputed about fine art restoration. They also provide important considerations when buying artwork.


Your collection is restored. Artworks are not increasehealth increase health Website increase health co uk resulthealth result health Website result health co uk controlhealth control health Website impervious to human error. And that includes anytime an artwork is sent clean, removed, or put


on view to the public at large.


Humans make mistakes and accidents do happen. When it comes to taking care of artworks that have been damaged by the consequences of control health co uk findshealth finds health Website finds health co uk medmenshealth med mens health Website med mens health com  an accident, it is important to follow a few guidelines to keep in mind.


kind of damage, ranging from minor scratches to massive tears. Artwork Archive reached Andrei Givotovsky the the owner of Art Restoration NYC (and restorer).
