Lab Incubators Today Provide More Options Than Ever

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Boekel Scientific has been a world leader in laboratory equipment since 1868. OEM manufacturers of blood banking equipment, platelet incubators and shakers.

Incubators are one of the fundamental pieces of equipment in many laboratories and can be relatively simple of more complex in their design. Lab incubators regulate temperature and humidity to provide a controlled environment for the growth of bacterial cultures. They are used most often for cell culturing, pharmaceutical studies, biochemical and hematological work, and analysis of food products. They provide a contaminate-free environment that facilitates safe and reliable work for researchers in many fields. High-quality incubators that are long lasting are the preferred choice of researchers globally.

Because the kind of research there’re used in varies widely, there are numerous types and sizes of lab incubators Common ones are dry baths with single or dual blocks, shaking incubators, hybridization ovens, laboratory test chambers, and bioreactors. An example of a specialized type is biological oxygen demand units that are frequently used for insect and plant studies. Sizes range from tabletop units to larger freestanding models. Most are purchased for their size, capacity, and specific functions. Nearly all have digital controls by this time. Optimal capacity depends on the number of samples to be incubated.

Other questions to consider when selecting a laboratory incubator include the temperature, humidity and CO2 levels that will be needed in your work. Consistency of temperature throughout the incubator’s interior is crucial and it’s why some are air-jacketed or water-jacketed. Some such as CO2 incubators require advanced controller options such as infrared sensors or thermal conductivity detection. If your lab is certified or accredited, make sure that any incubator you purchase is designed to meet the accuracy and reproducibility requirements. You may want a glass door model to see contents easily.

Well-designed incubators have features that reduce and eliminate contamination which is crucial for virtually all uses. The most common method is high-temperature decontamination cycles. Other features include HEPA air filtration and antimicrobial inner components on some models. Digital controls support many necessary features including touch-screen displays, data storage, programmable timers and alarms, and much more. Keep an eye out for lab incubators with adjustable shelves. They make the unit adaptable for different uses and facilitate easier use by you or your lab assistants.
