Tattoo Specialisation: Know About the Top Tattooing Styles

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Do you wish to get inked? If yes, you must choose a tattooing style that represents your unique characteristics without any hassle. Please go through the given discussion about the top eight styles right now.

Tattoo specialisation could be defined as the process of mastering varied tattooing styles. Most of the artists know more than one style. A few amalgamated two or more together to create something new. They love experimentation or the entire idea of pushing set boundaries. The following write-up specifies tattooing styles that are on-demand right now. Please make sure to go through them.


According to the renowned water tattoo artists in Australia, as the name suggests, watercolor designs look as if they are painted on the body parts with watercolors and brushes. They have no distinct outline and require immense care. Watercolor tattoos fade when exposed to UV rays for a prolonged period.

Negative Space

Negative space tattooing has attained widespread popularity in recent times. The artist uses white spaces in a definite pattern to create the concerned design. This style takes advantage of illusion. People tend to see something that is not inked on the skin.


Dotwork style involves connecting individual dots to formulate a design. The artists generally implement the stick and poke method where only one needle is used repeatedly to etch the design rather than a tattoo machine with multiple needle groupings. Among all the styles in the list, Dotwork inflicts maximum pain.


Surrealist paintings influence abstract tattoos. The designs are extremely complex and layered and appear to have no proper structure. They are completely open to the individual viewpoint, triggering one’s thoughts. Abstract tattooing conveys ideas without utilising any visual reference from the surroundings.


Blackwork tattooing features bold works of body art rendered in thick planes of pure black ink and intense shading. Generally, the designs consist of geometric shapes and abstract patterns, though sometimes they may be recognisable subjects and scenes and symbolic forms.

Trash Polka

Trash Polka has impressed larger segments of the population, probably because it is a one-of-a-kind tattooing style. It has a notable color scheme – done only in red and black inks. The tattooists referred to their work as trash polka because they used lifelike images and lettering, graphics, and other creative layers.


Realism has been an integral part of fine arts since the Renaissance period. It found its way to the body modification industry in the latter half of the twentieth century. Here, one may find vibrant colors and stunning black grey portraits. Realism tattooing is all about realistic representations of nature and practically everything else.

New School

New school tattooing is not at all new. It gained recognition during the late 80s and early 90s. It features an exceptionally animated aesthetic that inspired America’s well-known entertainment. The designs are exaggerated figures or caricatures of significant personalities. 

If one wishes to opt for any tattooing styles stated above, they must contact an artist specialising. For instance, the best geometric tattoo artists in Melbourne with their combination of circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, etc., symbolise symmetry, balance, enigma, and intelligence. Geometric designs had religious and spiritual significance in ancient times.
